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 Readme for:  Driver » Network » prism2.lha


Description: Driver for 11Mbps wireless network cards
Download: prism2.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 412kb
Version: 2.9
Date: 06 Mar 2025
Author: Neil Cafferkey
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Category: driver/network
Replaces: driver/network/prism2.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 13218
Comments: 9
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 268  (Current version)
2671  (Accumulated)
Votes: 2 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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prism2.device is a SANA-II network driver for 11Mbps wireless Ethernet cards
based on the Prism II chipset and variants. 
It supports PCMCIA and CompactFlash cards in the A1200/A600 and PCI cards in all
AmigaOS 4 systems and in PCs running Amithlon.

This version of prism2.device supports WPA and WPA2 encryption, including both
TKIP and CCMP/AES encryption modes. 
However, not all hardware supports all encryption modes.

See the guide included in the archive for details of compatible cards and a list
of advantages and disadvantages for each card type.

Changes in this version:

  - Fixed support for PCMCIA cards in the A1200 with the AmigaOS 4 driver
    (broken since V2.5).
  - Added support for A600 without an upgraded CPU.
  - Reduced minimum AmigaOS version required to 2.05.
  - Better stability with Hermes II cards.
  - Now recognises 5 new hardware IDs for PCMCIA cards.
  - Faster loading of Hermes firmware.
  - Hermes firmware loading is now done in a more correct and
    system-friendly way, avoiding temporary system freezes and potential
  - Added the WaitForLink utility, allowing startup of a TCP/IP stack during
    boot to be postponed until a wireless connection is fully established.
  - Cards with non-WPA-capable Hermes firmware can now scan for a new
    network after disconnecting.
  - Duplicate scan results are now also filtered out for non-WPA-capable
    Hermes firmware.
  - A workaround was added for a bug in early Hermes firmware versions that
    sometimes broke network scanning if an unencrypted network was in range.
  - Crashes caused by attempting to load WPA-capable firmware to early
    Hermes cards that have no encryption hardware are now prevented.
  - Promiscuous mode has been fixed.
  - Fixed a bug in Ctrl-C handling that sometimes led to resources not being
    released (WirelessManager).
  - Fixed a memory leak (WirelessManager).

File Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
prism2_sam.lha1.723kb28 Jan 20104.0621¤ Prism2_sam - Prism2 driver fixed for sam440ep motherboards
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