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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ABOUT ----- RNOEffects is a simple image processing program with a focus on good batch conversion options, alpha channel based effects, and pixel editing. FEATURES -------- - Around 30 different image processing effects including drop shadows, elliptical crop, and other effects that would need several steps for other similar programs - Drawing options for brushes, text, lines, ellipses, boxes, and arrows - Batch converter and image joining/combining tools - All effects can be applied to images in a freely selectable order in a batch conversion or image joining/combining process - Unlimited number of images can be joined into a single image - Built-in pixel editor with configurable drawing options for left, middle, and right mouse buttons - Supports saving to PNG, JPEG, JPEG2000 (JP2/J2K), GIF, ILBM, BMP, TIFF (Flate/JPEG), and all Amiga icon formats - Supports both RGB and Palette modes for saving - Can save and use custom palettes - Can save images as chunky data - Chunky images and palettes can be saved as C source code - Can save multiple images as a single PDF or video file - ARexx support REQUIREMENTS ------------ TextEditor.mcc (http://aminet.net/search?query=mcc+texteditor) INSTALLATION ------------ Copy the whole directory anywhere you want and just launch the program USAGE NOTES ----------- - Next and previous images in a directory can be loaded by pressing the up/down arrow keys or PageUp/PageDown keys. - Use the left arrow key for Undo and the right arrow key for the Redo. - Function keys can be used to save an image as an RGB or Palette (P) format: F1=PNG, F2=JPG, F3=BMP, F4=IFF, F5=PNG(P), F6=GIF(P), F7=BMP(P), F8=IFF(P), F9=Icon F10=Palette (IFF/ILBM), F11=Palette (RGB32), F12=Chunky(P) - The Space Bar key pauses the Color Picker tool - Crop and Draw effect positioning can be set with a mouse press over an image - The Keep mode (in the cycle gadet at the top right corner) retains the main window size even if the content resolution changes. - The Undo/Redo buffer requires quite a lot of memory, so Undo levels are set to a minimum for the OS3 version, but can be altered from the Settings menu. - The Background effect draws into transparent areas of an image. Transparency is indicated by displaying the checkered pattern in the program. - The Alpha option in the Draw effect allows an effect to draw into an image's alpha channel instead of the colour channel. It can be used to add or remove transparency in images, such as, to make a part of an image see-through. - Multiple effects can be applied to each image in a batch conversion process when joining/combining images, or when creating a selected state image for an icon. In all cases the order of the applied effects can be changed from the Batch Convert window. - Some icon formats have fall-back image(s) in the original AmigaOS icon format. These fall-back icons are created automatically by the program. All icon images (frames) can be previewed in the Icon options window. - When opening an icon file with multiple images (states) in it, a custom requester appears to allow you to choose the image in the icon you want to load. The "Auto" option in the requester loads the normal unselected state image as the main image in the program, but also loads the selected state image in the internal buffer. - To save a dual-state icon, open the Icon options window (Save as/Icon (F9)). The image in the main window is used as the normal unselected state of your icon, but its Selected state is defined with the "Selected" options. The "Selected" state image can be created on-the-fly from the main image by applying any custom effects to it (have your effects windows ready), or by loading a selected image from a file, or by using an image in the internal buffer. More detailed descriptions are in help bubbles that pop-up for related gadgets. - Properties of a loaded icon file are used via the Icon options window if the "Load icon properties" setting is enabled. - The program can store an image within the system's clipboard, but may not preserve transparency information on all systems. The program's internal buffer stores an exact copy of an image, so is better for internal use. - Pixel editor drawing modes: Mix w/original . . . - Pixels are mixed with the original (applied) image Mix w/current . . . - Pixels are mixed with the current pixel editor image Color + trans . . . - Both colour and transparency values are replaced Color . . . . . . . - Colour is replaced, but transparency is preserved Transparency . . . . - Transparency is replaced, but colour is preserved Flood color . . . . - Flood fill similarly coloured areas with a new colour Flood trans on col . - Alter transparency of similarly coloured areas Flood trans on trans - Alter transparency of areas with same transparency Copy from (X/Y) . . - Copy related pixel values from another location COMMAND LINE OPTIONS AND ICON TOOLTYPES --------------------------------------- RNOEffects uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given in the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter Allowed arguments: -file <file> . . . . - Opens a picture file at startup -defdir <dir> . . . . - Sets the initial directory to open files -args . . . . . . . . - Shows the allowed arguments Example: RNOEffects -file "Work:Pics/Some picture.png" The same arguments can be used as icon tooltypes, by omitting the "-" prefix. Examples: DEFDIR=Work:Pics FILE=Work:Pics/MyPhoto.jpg AREXX ----- Program's ARexx port is RNOEFFECTS.1 (and .2, .3 etc. for multiple instances) and supported commands are: LOAD <file> . . . . . . . . - Loads a new image NEXT . . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the next image in the current directory PREV . . . . . . . . . . . - Loads the previous image in the current dir SAVE <format> <file> . . . - Saves the displayed image, format can be PNG, JPG:n (n is the JPEG quality), JP2:n, J2K:n, TIFF, TIFFFLATE, TIFFJPEG:n, GIF, IFF, BMP, PALETTE, or ICON (palette and icon options are taken from their GUIs) <effect> <setting=value> . - Applies an effect with supplied settings UNDO . . . . . . . . . . . - Undo the last modification REDO . . . . . . . . . . . - Redo an undo operation NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . - Creates a new empty image COPYBUFFER . . . . . . . . - Copies the image to the internal buffer PASTEBUFFER . . . . . . . . - Pastes an image from the internal buffer SWAPBUFFER . . . . . . . . - Swaps main and buffer images CLEAR . . . . . . . . . . . - Clears the image COPY . . . . . . . . . . . - Copies the image to the clipboard PASTE . . . . . . . . . . . - Pastes an image from the clipboard QUIT . . . . . . . . . . . - Quits the program HELP . . . . . . . . . . . - Returns a list of the supported commands GET <FILE|RES> . . . . . . - Returns the requested value GET <EFFECTS|<effect>> . . - Returns the list of effects or effect settings Examples (MorphOS only): RXCmd RNOEFFECTS.1 "GET draw" RXCmd RNOEFFECTS.1 "draw subeffect=2 linex=10 liney=70 linel=80 linea=-45" Examples (all Amiga compatibles): RX "OPTIONS RESULTS;ADDRESS RNOEFFECTS.1;'GET blur';SAY RESULT" RX "ADDRESS RNOEFFECTS.1;'blur radius=4'" RX "ADDRESS RNOEFFECTS.1;'SAVE JPG:90 RAM:processed_image.jpg'" HISTORY ------- Version 2.0: - Added the "Pixel editor" tool with configurable pixel drawing options for left, middle, and right mouse buttons - Added the "Color picker" tool to show colour information under the mouse pointer and to pick and store multiple colour values temporarily - Added the "Area selector" tool which can be used to apply certain effects on a limited area of an image - Added the "Toolbox" tool to reduce pull-down menu use - Added support for saving images in the palette mode (1-8 bits), optionally with 16 pre-defined palettes including the MagicWB palette - Palettes can be saved in IFF ILBM, RGB32, LoadRGB4, and LoadRGB32 formats - Palette images can be saved as chunky data - Chunky image data and separate palettes can be saved as a C source code - Added an option to use an opacity map to apply an effect partially on an image (works with Blur, Contrast, Draw/Brush, Gamma, Modulate, Monochrome, and Tint effects) - Added "Chroma key" and "Luma key" effects to make colour ranges transparent - Batch converted images can be saved as a video - Added MagicWB support for the icon saving - Added information about the program state in the window title - Added Undo button on effects' windows - Function key shortcuts can be used to save images in several formats - Added an option to swap the main image with the buffer image - The Opacity map effect can use the buffer image as an opacity map - Added an option to invert the Opacity map effect - Added opacity map examples in the OpacityMaps directory - Renamed the "Reduce alpha" effect to "Alter alpha" and added an option to remove the whole alpha channel from an image - Background images can be centered in the Background effect - Added an option to clear the current image - Undo buffer wasn't initialised when loading an image at startup - Fixed colour picking with scaled images - Fixed Charcoal and Edge effects for images with transparency - Better window resizing when loading images - Skip arrow key operations if a command key is pressed simultaneously so as not to affect mouse pointer control via the keyboard - Arranged effects in an ordered format in the menu - into categories - Included JPEG2000, PCX, and TIFF plugins - Added support for saving images in JPEG2000 and TIFF formats - Select specific image/state to load of icon with multiple images - Added a setting to load icon properties and use them in icon saving options - Files can be drag'n'dropped into a batch conversion file list - Tool windows open at startup if they were open when settings saved - Other minor fixes Version 1.4: - Images can be saved as AmigaOS, NewIcons, GlowIcons, OS4, PNG, and DualPNG icons with configurable properties that include icon type, tooltypes, selected image, default tool, stack, position, drawer properties, etc. - Added the "Freehand" drawing mode - Added the "Opacity map" effect for creating and inserting B&W opacity map images of alpha channels - Added the "ARexx" effect to launch ARexx scripts within the program - Added an example ARexx script - Better text editing/importing/exporting options for the text drawing effect - Draw and crop effects can be positioned with the mouse - Re-designed the line effect and added an arrowhead option - Added buttons and keys to load next and previous pictures in the directory - Added the undo levels setting - Added the redo option - Removed overlapping keyboard shortcuts for copy/cut/paste operations - Fixed pathless file arguments - Safer error handling - Other changes and fixes Version 1.3: - Accepts a file argument and can be used as a default tool in project icons - ARexx support - 24 bit ILBM and BMP support Version 1.2: - Added contrast and monochromatic effects Version 1.1: - Added command line options and icon tooltypes - More verbose when trying to load unsupported files WEB --- - A video demonstration of the program: https://youtu.be/KsRtDHXkEKA - New features in 2.0 presented as a video: https://youtu.be/VMHHgD9IcPw - Please visit https://jpv.amigaaa.com/ for screenshots, support, donations, and other software - This program is made with Hollywood: http://www.hollywood-mal.com/ THANKS TO --------- - Densho/RNO for the logo - Neil Pearson for proof-reading DISCLAIMER ---------- This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for any damage caused to your system or other connected peripherals by using this software. Please consider the time and effort I put in to create this utility for your use and enjoyment. If you feel it is useful to you, please send a donation that represents the benefit you gain from using it to me at the address found in this ReadMe.txt file (Uploader) or click the Donate button at https://jpv.amigaaa.com/ |
Copyright © 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström All Rights Reserved |