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 Readme for:  Utility » Misc » passpocket.lha


Description: Password manager utility
Download: passpocket.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 505kb
Version: 1.1
Date: 06 Nov 2021
Author: Mike Steed
Submitter: Mike Steed
Email: 72207 463/compuserve com
Requirements: MUI >= 3.9; MCC_TextEditor
Category: utility/misc
Replaces: utility/misc/passpocket.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 11848
Comments: 7
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 129  (Current version)
292  (Accumulated)
Votes: 4 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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PassPocket is a password manager for the Amiga. It stores all your different
user names, passwords, and associated website addresses in a single database,
encrypted with a single master password.

Now you only need to remember that one password, so you can make all the
other passwords as long and unmnemonic as the security experts recommend,
have as many of them as you need for all those websites where you have to
register but rarely visit, and change them as often as advised, without the
hassle of trying to keep track of them all.

PassPocket also makes it easy to use the contents of the database. It acts as
an Amiga commodity, running invisibly in the background and called to life
by programmable hotkeys. Just use a hotkey to open a listing of the database
and select the site you want to visit. Then use the other hotkeys to enter
the website address, user name, and password into a web browser or other
program just as if you'd typed them.


o Supports up to nine different databases, so each member of the family can
  have their own, or you can have one for work and one for personal use.
  Just enter the appropriate master password, and PassPocket opens the
  corresponding database.

o Databases are encrypted with the Twofish encryption algorithm, using master
  passwords of up to 16 characters (128 bits).

o Databases can hold an unlimited number of entries. In addition to the user
  name, password, and website address, you can enter short notes pertaining
  to the site.

o As a commodity it's completely integrated into the OS, so it will work with
  any program- no hacks or patches are required. There is no need to paste
  data from the clipboard, as on other platforms.

o Uses MUI for its user interface, and can open on any public screen for easy
  integration with web browsers or other applications.

o A secure password generator is provided, to easily create a never-ending
  series of random passwords if you get tired of inventing your own. The
  generator may be configured according to the password requirements of each
  different website.

o Databases may be exported to and imported from comma separated value (CSV)
  files in the format used by the open-source KeePass password manager. This
  allows databases to be synchronized with password managers on other
  platforms such as Windows.

o Databases may be automatically backed up when saved, even to a different
  storage device for maximum safety.

o Databases may be printed out to create a hard copy.

o Databases may be automatically closed after a period of non-use, to prevent
  unauthorized usage.

o Though malware is largely nonexistent on the Amiga, steps are nonetheless
  taken to prevent other programs from snooping on passwords stored in RAM
  while the program is running.

o It's localized, so it may be adapted to use languages other than English.
  Support for German is currently provided.

What's New in v. 1.1

Fixed a few bugs, and incorporated some user suggestions.

o For security the password is now hidden when the account settings window
  is opened. A new 'Show' button allows the password to be made visible.
  This feature requires MUI 4 or newer.

o The maximum length of the password has been increased to 48 characters,
  to accommodate the "personal access tokens" used by GitHub. Databases
  created by earlier versions of PassPocket are automatically updated when

o When Commodities Exchange tells PassPocket to show its user interface, it
  now always opens a window, even if no window was open when the user
  interface was hidden. This makes it work more like other commodities.

o Fixed a bug that would cause a crash if PassPocket was iconified while open
  on another program's screen, and then was restored after that screen had
  been closed.

o Fixed a bug that could cause PassPocket's windows to open on different
  screens when the program was restored with multiple windows open.


Two versions of PassPocket are included. The PPC version is targeted to
AmigaOS 4. The 68K version (68020 or better) is targeted to AmigaOS 3, but
should also run under emulation on MorphOS and AROS.

MUI 3.9 or better is required, as is a recent version of the MCC_TextEditor
MUI class. Some images from AISS will be used if available, but AISS is not

Source Code

PassPocket is open source. The source code is included, and PassPocket has
been designed to facilitate porting to other Amiga variants.

Copyright © 2004-2025 by Björn Hagström All Rights Reserved