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 Readme for:  Utility » Misc » st_ships.lha

Star Trek Ships

Description: Database of ships in Star Trek
Download: st_ships.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 32Mb
Version: 0.7
Date: 20 Apr 2020
Author: Michael Holmes
Submitter: Michael Holmes
Email: micknish71/googlemail com
Requirements: Any computer running OS4.x
Category: utility/misc
Replaces: utility/misc/st_ships.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 11235
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads: 62  (Current version)
278  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Version 0.7:

Removed all but the Ships part of the database.
Updated the database to include some new Picard and Discovery ships.

As a side note I have updated the Rooms and Schematics section as separate
databases both to version 0.2 and uploaded

Version 0.6:

Added: Schematics
Added: Rooms
       Just click on the "Rooms" or "Schematics" buttons to go to the
       corresponding pages


Version 0.5:

Added: Intro
       Just click on the "Ships" button, other buttons inactive at present


Version 0.4:

Added: Many more pictures


Version 0.3:

Added: Klingon Ships
Added: There are now links some linked ships via red text in body copy.

In the copy for the Borg Scout Ship USS Enterprise-D is in red and by clicking
on this it will take you to the page for USS Enterprise-D


Version 0.2:

Added: Borg Ships 
Added: Breen Ships
Added: Cardassian Ships
Added: Vulcan Ships



This is the latest bit of my Star Trek database.

This ships section only contains Federation ships at the moment but as you can
see from the intro I intend on expanding this.

Please give me some feedback

File Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
st_characters.lha0.2156Mb27 Mar 20144.0161¤ ST Wiki - Star Trek Database
st_rooms.lha0.2217Mb20 Apr 20204.053¤ Star Trek Rooms - Database of rooms aboard the ships in Star Trek
st_schematics.lha0.233Mb20 Apr 20204.059¤ Star Trek Schematics - Database of schematics in Star Trek
startmeup.lha1.3683kb19 Oct 20044.0344¤ Startmeup - A startup files manager
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