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 File comments for:  Utility » Shell » popurl.lha


Description: Small OS4 equivalent of OpenURL shell command
Download: popurl.lha
Version: 1.4
Date: 17 Apr 2007
Category: utility/shell
FileID: 2718
RSS Feed url: http://os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=utility/shell/popurl.lha

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Comment by: Petrol ( 18 Apr 2007, 09:58File version: 1.4
What's the difference since the last one (same version, same size,...)
Comment by: AlexC ( 12 Feb 2006, 11:48File version: 1.4
The version string in 1.4 has the wrong year (12.02.05)
Someone isn't using BumpRev ;-)
Comment by: orginAt: 12 Feb 2006, 10:52File version: 1.4
Had to repack this into a lha. Please read
http://os4depot.net/help/help_submit.txt for allowed file types.
Comment by: AlexC ( 06 Oct 2005, 04:33File version: 7
C:OpenURL works fine here.

May I suggest renaming the prefs to OpenURLs instead, and keeping the command as
It makes it a lot easier to know that they and the library are related, and it
makes sense too as the pref deals with different types of URLs (plural).
Comment by: Xenic ( 06 Oct 2005, 03:10File version: 7
I already submitted a replacement named popurl to avoid any more
confusion but didn't include a readme explanation. I keep forgetting that a lot
of current Amigans haven't been using an Amiga for 18 years like me and may not
be familiar with old software. I suppose people who never used version 2, 3 or 4
of openurl library may not even be aware of the openurl shell command. Hopefully
the file replacement I requested will take effect soon so more people don't get
I heard someone ported OpenURL library to OS4 and am trying to find
his email address to see if he wants to include this command in the
OS4 openurl.library distribution.
Comment by: Xenic ( 06 Oct 2005, 01:08File version: 7
Any suggestions as to what to rename this command to?
opinURL, popURL, Open-URL?? It will be Open-URL if there
are no suggestions. Bye.
Comment by: Xenic ( 06 Oct 2005, 01:02File version: 7
I don't keep the OpenURL prefs in SYS:Prefs so I never noticed the potential for
a command name conflict. The reason your OpenURL prefs are opening is because
the shell looks in C: for cammands last. Therefore it finds your
"OpenURL" prefs program first and starts that instead.
Rename the OpenURL command to something like Open-URL and then try it. The
OpenURL command is handy for loading URL's from programs that don't directly
support OpenURL library. Mailtext.mcc requires an OpenURL command to open URLs
when you double-click a link.
This command has the same command template as the original OpenURL command found
in older OpenURL archives. I'm going to have to try to remove this command and
rename it to avoid the command conflicts that have turned up.
Comment by: PEB ( 05 Oct 2005, 22:50File version: 7

I you want to see some other cool things pop up, you can try typing
"input" or "screens" or "iconedit" or
"font" or "gui" etc. in a shell.

For uses of the OpenUrl command, see amipal's comment in response to your
original question at the bottom of this page.
Comment by: PEB ( 05 Oct 2005, 22:00File version: 7
Try removing the OpenUrl command from C: and type the same thing.
Comment by: PEB ( 05 Oct 2005, 20:57File version: 7
But what you may not have realized is that the command in C: has nothing to do
with it.
Comment by: PEB ( 05 Oct 2005, 20:35File version: 7

It does that because of the openurl Prefs file in SYS:Prefs.
Comment by: abalaban ( 05 Oct 2005, 18:56File version: 7
Why not use the original sources ? They *are* publically available, just you
have to search a little bit.
Having a program sharing the same name but potentially not having the same arg
template may lead to problemin script and all. If only you have contacted me
(see the AW thread about OpenURL) or the official author you would have been
Comment by: amipal ( 05 Oct 2005, 18:42File version: 7
This allows you to call URLs using scripts etc.

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