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 Readme for:  Audio » Play » Tunenet » adplug_tnplug.lha


Description: AdPlug based plugin for TuneNet
Download: adplug_tnplug.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 416kb
Version: 1.8
Date: 16 Sep 2012
Author: Fredrik Wikström
Submitter: Fredrik Wikström
Email: fredrik/a500 org
Homepage: http://www.a500.org/
Category: audio/play/tunenet
Replaces: audio/play/tunenet/tunead_plug.lha
License: LGPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 7393
Comments: 1
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 199  (Current version)
780  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Drag and drop TN_AdPlug.tnplug and data into TuneNet's plugins drawer.


Based on libadplug.


1.8 (16-Sep-2012)
 - Updated libadplug to version 2.2.1
 - Rewrote a lot of the plugin code

1.7 (27-Nov-2008)
 - Fixed opening of adplug.db file

1.6 (26-Nov-2008)
 - Plugin no longer crashes on startup on AmigaOS4.1

1.5 (16-Apr-2008)
 - Fixed loading of TN_AdPlug.bin (I accidentally broke this in the previous

1.4 (11-Apr-2008)
 - Fixed bugs in message handling code
 - Increased priority of playback process

1.3 (10-Apr-2008)
 - Added .xms file extension
 - Added code for getting the song title
 - Disabled midi (.mid) support

1.2 (12-Mar-2008)
 - Added some missing file extensions and removed some duplicates
 - Now uses adplug.db
 - Reduced buffer size by 50%
 - Fixed playback code and reenabled  song length calculation

1.1 (17-Dec-2007)
 - First released version

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