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 Readme for:  Demo » Misc » noddingchod.lha


Description: A basic SDL demo
Download: noddingchod.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 159kb
Date: 18 Oct 2006
Author: nex moose.co.uk, AmigaOS 4.0 port by Spot / Up Rough
Submitter: Spot / Up Rough
Email: spot/triad se
Homepage: http://www.cloudsprinter.com/
Category: demo/misc
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 2192
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 388  (Current version)
388  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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   Nodding Chod 

   a stupid thing where you click the mouse and some dude's
   head starts nodding, about as basic as an sdl program can be 
   if you are having trouble setting your own up. 


   Contact: nex moose.co.uk

   |                                                          |
   |       A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   C O M P I L E   B Y      |
  ._______                                        ._____.     |
  |  ____/________________________________________|     |__   .
._|____._         |      ._       |      ._       |      _/______.
|      |/         |      |/       |      |/       |     |/       |
|                 |      _________|               |              |
|_________________|______|spt/up  |_______________|______________| 
  .                                                           .
  |   I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel   | 
  |  that what I do is  worth anything, use paypal to donate  |  
  |         to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx!        | 
  |                                                           | 
  |                    Spot / Up Rough 2006                   | 

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