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 File comments for:  Emulation » Gamesystem » colem.lha


Description: Colem ColecoVision Emulator
Download: colem.lha
Version: 1.0r7
Date: 24 Feb 2011
Category: emulation/gamesystem
FileID: 6253
RSS Feed url: https://os4depot.net/modules/comments/rssfeed.php?file=emulation/gamesystem/colem.lha

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Comment by: BobW ( 26 Jan 2011, 17:25File version: 1.0r6
Odd. There must be something different about the dump of those three games. Right now I'm looking for a checksum to figure out the name. My guess is your roms have some extra junk or may possibly be different versions than I have.

Could you email me a couple of the roms? I'd like to see what the difference is. (rwicksall(at)rochester.rr.com)

The Coleco's native screen resolution is only 256x192. On my MicroA1 I had defined a 320x200 resolution that worked quite nicely. I need to add proper scaling at some point.
Comment by: shadowsun ( 26 Jan 2011, 11:33File version: 1.0r6
-I've only got 3 games (Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr and Venture) :
but it's all numbers

- another thing : my lower screen is 640x480. I don't succeed to play colem in real fullscreen (even with x2 option) ; just a small part of the screen is used.
Comment by: BobW ( 25 Jan 2011, 16:19File version: 1.0r6
Do you have any titles or just all numbers? Right now the way I identify a game is a bit of a hack. If it can't be identified it displays the checksum.

You currently can't save your settings. Thats on my list of things to do.
Comment by: shadowsun ( 25 Jan 2011, 08:22File version: 1.0r6
CVLaunch :
- I've got numbers on the title list but not a real name
- can we save options (fullscreen, sound, ...)
Comment by: samo79 ( 22 Jan 2008, 20:19File version: 1.0r5

Ok, thanks a lot :-)
Comment by: BobW ( 22 Jan 2008, 00:40File version: 1.0r5
I went looking the other day but I couldn't find his site. I have a feeling
it's gone.

If I can get a 68k dev environment setup I'll compile this version. I'll need a
little time though. :-)
Comment by: samo79 ( 21 Jan 2008, 22:03File version: 1.0r5

Just a question, did you know where I can find the latest
release of ColEm for Amiga classic 68k. I 'm looking for the old
Hill's version but no luck :-(

Thanks in advance
Comment by: BobW ( 23 Jun 2006, 16:16File version: 1.0r4
I just realized my email is wrong in the archive and on this site. It's
supposed to be rwicksall(at)rochester.rr.com. It is missing an l.
Comment by: AlexC ( 23 Jun 2006, 01:46File version: 1.0r4
Ohhh memories.. :-)

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