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 Readme for:  Game » Puzzle » sopoblock.lha


Description: Cute tiny MiniGL puzzler
Download: sopoblock.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 83kb
Version: 1.0
Date: 23 Mar 2022
Author: Jukka Varsaluoma
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Category: game/puzzle
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 11996
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 102  (Current version)
102  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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[ Note from Aminet and OS4Depot administrator: released in 2005, as found on the
author's ] [ now defunct website: http://www.nic.fi/~varsa/sopoblock/index.html 
       ] [ Original OS3/WarpOS version available in game/think/SopoBlock.lha    
     ] [ Install original WOS version, then replace executable with the one from
   ] [ this Archive. Copy lucyplay.l.main to LIBS:                              

  --[ What it is ]--

SopoBlock is a fun, simple, addictive, cute and fast paced puzzler that
concentrates around removing different coloured blocks from the playfield. (Ooh,
a completely new and innovative idea.)  Read the feature list, gameplay info and
the FAQ for more info.  Check the homepage for screenshots and other cool stuff:


And remember: I'm not responsible for anything this game causes to your
hardware, software or to your head. Use it at your own risk. You have been

--[ Features ]--  

-Realtime 3d gfx (Warp3D/MiniGL)
-16bit stereo sound (AHI)
-Versions for both 68k and WarpOS
-Joystick support

--[ Distribution ]--

Please note!  SopoBlock is basically freeware, but for permission to include it
on any software collection (other than Aminet) _OR COVERCD_, please contact the
author. Also the archive must remain unchanged.  And if you like this little
game, please send me some feedback (via email or using the form at the website)

--[ Requirements ]--

Amiga with at least 68040 (PPC is supported via WarpOS) or compatible Working
Warp3D installation Working AHI installation Lucyplay.library by Oliver Gantert
(version 4.0 included)  In theory it should run on AmigaOS4, but it needs
Warp3D. Please inform me if it works!
The game should also run on other compatible platforms/under emulation with
right setup (MorphOS, WinUAE).

 --[ Usage ]--

The game can be started from icon, they are just simple scripts, open them to an
editor to modify the screen/window size or other options.  You can also start
the sopoBlock from shell, there are two executables, SopoBlock68k and
SopoBlockWOS, both have same options:  -joy           Activates the joystick
support.  -forcejoy      Try this if -joy displays an error message.  -width xxx
    Width of the screen or window. (default: 640)  -height yyy    Height of the
screen or window. (default: 480)  -window        Run the game in a window.
(default: screen)  -vsync         Turns on the vertical synch. (default: off) 
-15bit -16bit         15bit or 16bit screendepth. (default: 15bit)  -triple     
-double        Double or triple buffering. (default: triple)  Start the game
from the same directory where the "dada"-directory is located, also some stack
could be necessary.

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