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 Readme for:  Game » Puzzle » xgalaga.lha


Description: Galaga style game
Download: xgalaga.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Date: 19 Dec 2015
Author: Joe Rumsey ported by HunoPPC
Submitter: uploader
Homepage: http://rumsey.org/xgal.html
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.x
Category: game/puzzle
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 9640
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 240  (Current version)
240  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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Amiga French Team 2013
Port by Hugues "HunoPPC" Nouvel

--Original readme--
                            XGalaga v2.0

		  Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Joe Rumsey
      XGalaga Home Page: http://rumsey.org/xgal.html

  Please see the file INSTALL for installation instructions.

  This is the first game I've written for X from "scratch" (the
graphics interface is borrowed, I wrote everything else), but is by no
means my first game.  I have written several popular shareware games
for the Amiga, and plan to start porting them to X.  This project is
to help me get used to X and to fine tune the graphics routines to
make the next project easier.

  Previous versions of this game were released as shareware.  However,
it was never really worth my while.  Therefore, with apologies to the
good souls that sent their payments in, I have placed it under the GNU
GPL.  See COPYING for details

See the file INSTALL for installation instructions.

Command line options:
  -scores              Print out the high score tables and exit
  -nosound             Turn sound off on platforms with sound support
  -level <level>       Set the starting level to <level>
  -window              Start in windowed mode instead of fullscreen
  -winsize <WxH>       Window size (default 468x596)
  <anything else>      print usage and version.

Basic instructions:
  It's Galaga, you know how to play Galaga, stop bothering me.
  (Ship follows the mouse, button fires.  Auto-fire by holding it
   down, so no-one accuses me of breaking their mouse!)

Keyboard commands:

  p - pauses
  q - end this game
  s - toggle sound if your system supports it

  Controls: left_arrow  - move left
            right_arrow - move right
            space_bar   - fire

   Galaga code:
            Joe Rumsey (mrogre()mediaone.net)
   X interface:
            Bill Dyess(dyessww()eng.auburn.edu),
            Rob Forsman(thoth()cis.ufl.edu),
            and about a million others.

   Sound server/interface:
            Sujal Patel (smpatel()wam.umd.edu)
            Paul Kendall (paul()kcbbs.gen.nz) (Sun and NAS support)

            Joe Rumsey (ogre()atomic.com)
            Mike McGrath (mcgrath()epx.cis.umn.edu)

   SDL port:
            Andy Tarkinson
            Frank Zago
            Dan Espen

   Thanks: Alec Habig for mirroring it at indiana
       Johnathan Hardwick for testing on many
             different platforms and sending bug fixes
       Koala team in France for bug fixes and for writing the XPM
       All the dupes^H^H^H^H^Hnetrekers who helped
         test it at the earliest stages.
       Bill Clarke (bill()discworld.anu.edu.au) for high score hacks
       Everyone that's written me thanking me, and especially
         the few who sent the five bucks in.

--end of original readme--

--OS4 Readme--

-Fixed resolution on OS4 
-Fixed sounds effects on OS4
-Fixed High CPU usage

Enjoy now with this small cool game

My Wife "Claire" and my children "Matthis and Sorhenn" for allowing me some time
to develop 
Hyperion Entertainment  -  For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
RELEC and ACUBE for my Sam460
Batteman for my PEGASOS 2  
My French BetaTesters  (LIO,KL, SCRIPJESTER)
and of course the AMIGA community

Send Bugreports for the AmigaOS 4.x version to :
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Donate to nouvel.hugues(AT)free.fr

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