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 Readme for:  Game » Shmup » cdogs.lzx


Description: A top down shoot 'em up
Download: cdogs.lzx       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 800kb
Version: 0.04
Date: 29 Jul 2007
Author: Lucas (lmartinking/gmail.com), Jeremy (rekless/fastmail.fm)
Submitter: JavI
Email: javierdlr/euskalnet net
Homepage: http://perso.wanadoo.es/javierdlr
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.0
Category: game/shmup
Replaces: game/action/cdogs.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 2907
Comments: 1
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads: 277  (Current version)
277  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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C-Dogs Amiga SDL Port v0.04
   (based on C-Dogs 1.06)

Ported to AmigaOS 4.0 by Spot / Up Rough (v0.3),
updated to v0.4 by Javier de las Rivas <jabierdlr()gmail.com>

If you already have v0.3 installed, just copy CDOGS and
CDOGS.EXE to your old installation.

Delete old options.cnf (config/options.cnf).

To add music in menu/game, just create plain text files
MENUSONG.CFG & GAMESONG.CFG in data/config and add list
of MOD/S3M.
Copy them in <cdogs_path>/music (create it if doesn't
exists) or add full path in MENUSONG.CFG & GAMESONG.CFG

Fullscreen mode does work now (adding a few more FPS),
please let me know if it works for you.

AmigaInput (still under development) not tested.

This game is still in development and all features aren't
there yet, but it's very playable. So, have a blast!

/Spot (ZILLION THX) & /JavI

---- Orignial ReadMe ----

C-Dogs SDL Port v0.03
(based on C-Dogs 1.06)

       |  _______|
      /  /  __       
     |  |  |  '-.   .---.  .---.  .---.
    /  /  /  /   |  _  ||  ___||  __|
   |  |  |  |_/   || (_) || | __     
  /  /  /        / |     || '-' |.-' `.
 |  |   '-------'   '---'  '----''----'
 /  '.___________
|                |                  SDL
 `---------------'                v0.03

| Contents |

 1. Introduction
 2. Tested Environments
 3. Installation
 4. Command line options
 5. Contact

| 1 | Introduction |

C-Dogs SDL is a port of a really fun old DOS game to modern operating systems,
using the SDL media libraries for graphics, sound and input (hence the name).

For more information about the original c-dogs read 'original_readme.txt'.

| 2 | Tested Environments |

C-Dogs SDL has been ported with a unix development environment.
In theory, C-Dogs SDL could run on any system that is supported by SDL.
See the SDL website - www.libsdl.org for more details on SDL itself.

Tested architecture/system combinations include:

 * x86  (gentoo, slackware, ubuntu)
 * x86-64 (gentoo)
 * ppc  (ubuntu)

 * ppc
 * x86  (reportedly works fine)

Should you succeed in running CDogs-SDL on a different *Nix,
please contact us!

| 3 | Installation |

To compile C-Dogs you need to have the SDL libraries previously installed,
a compiler (gcc recommended) and the apropriate header files. These instructions
assume you have the know-how to at least compile something... :)

See INSTALL for more information...

| 4 | Command line options |

The C-Dogs binary is called "cdogs", below are some command line arguments:

 -fullscreen C-Dogs will try and become full screen (recommended)

 -nojoystick C-Dogs will not use any available joysticks
 -wait  C-Dogs will wait for a key to be hit before 
   initialising graphics
 -nosound C-Dogs won't play sounds, thus saving CPU usage and
   leaving your sound-card alone (if you have one)

 -help  Display more command line options where are
   not listed here

These can be used in any order/combination:
 $ cdogs -fullscreen -wait
Which will make it go full screen after all the pre-video stuff is displayed
on stdout.

| 5 | Contact |

If you have an questions, comments, bug reports (yes please), patches (even
better) or anything else related to C-Dogs SDL email either:

 Lucas <lmartinking()gmail.com> (works with MSN and Jabber too)

 Jeremy <rekless()fastmail.fm>

Alternately, if you have IRC visit #oz on cyberarmy. Jeremy is usually 'ReKleSS'
and Lucas 'Ion-Pookie'.

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