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 Readme for:  Game » Shmup » gnuvszombie.lha

GNU versus Zombie

Description: Rotten tomatoes
Download: gnuvszombie.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 16Mb
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 19 Dec 2015
Author: Poufpouf Production, ported by HunoPPC
Submitter: uploader
Homepage: http://poufpoufproduction.fr
Requirements: AmigaOS4
Category: game/shmup
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 9635
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 143  (Current version)
143  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes' README

'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes' is a shoot'em up game powered with the
splashouille framework. The code is C++


The current revision has been built for the LPC contest.


All of 'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes' source code (as splashouille) is
released under the GNU GPL Version 3. Later versions are permitted.


Homepage  http://poufpoufproduction.fr
Source    https://github.com/PoufPoufProduction/tomatoes
Email     johannc()poufpoufproduction.fr


To build 'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes', you need the 1.2 Development
Libraries for SDL, SLD_image and SDL_mixer.
You also need the libconfig version 9.0.
You need to compile and install splashouille first.

BUILDING 'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes'

Once you compile and install splashouille, go to the tomatoes/ directory and run
the command :


RUNNING 'GNU Versus zombie rotten tomatoes'

In the tomatoes/ folder, just run ./tomatoes and enjoy !

Amiga French Team 2014

AmigaOS 4 port: Hugues 'HunoPPC" Nouvel

Thanks go to:
My Wife "Claire" and my children "Matthis and Sorhenn" for allowing me some time
to develop 
Hyperion Entertainment  -  For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
RELEC for my X1000 NEMO
Batteman for my PEGASOS 2  
My French BetaTesters  (LIO,KL, ZZD10H)
and of course the whole AMIGA community

Send Bugreports for the AmigaOS 4.x version to :
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Donate to nouvel.hugues(AT)free.fr

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