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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NetPanzer an open source RTS Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Building and Installation 3. Gameplay 4. Dedicated Server and Game Configuration 5. Bot Player 6. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction netPanzer is an online multiplayer tactical warfare game designed for FAST ACTION combat. Gameplay concentrates on the core -- no resource management is needed. The game is based on quick tactical action and unit management in real-time. Battles progress quickly and constantly as destroyed players respawn with a set of new units. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time. 1.1 A bit of history The original development of netpanzer was done from PyroSoft inc. Though in 1999 they stop development and released the game 2002 in GPL and it was nearly forgotten, until Ingo announce it at happypenguin.org. Soon after this announcement a group of coders did the linux port in roughly 2 weeks, with another 2 weeks polishing for this release. Now we'll go along and improve the game... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Building and Installation 2.1 Prerequesites The game depends on some tools and libraries to be present, before you can start building it. Here's a list of them: * normal gnu compiler and additional tools (g++ version 3.2 or later is required at the moment) * SCons build tool http://www.scons.org/ * SDL 1.2.5 or later http://www.libsdl.org * SDL_mixer 1.2.4 or later http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/ * subversion (needed to download the source code) http://subversion.tigris.org/ Thanks to all the authors of these helpful libraries that made our development easy and straightforward. To download the code use the subversion client to download from svn://svn.berlios.de/netpanzer/tags/netpanzer/<wanted_version> An explample for version 0.8.3 would be: svn export svn://svn.berlios.de/netpanzer/tags/netpanzer/0.8.3 netpanzer Note that I use "export" instead of "checkout" to avoid having all the ".svn" folders spread over the source. This is interesting for Linux distributions. 2.2 Building without installing on non Windows To build the game and run as normal user do the following: # scons When scons finish without errors the game is ready to play, type this: # ./netpanzer Remember that next time you want to play you have to go to the same folder where you compiled and type './netpanzer' 2.3 Building on Windows Building on windows is a little bit more complicated, developers shouldn't have any big problem. MinGW should be installed in C:mingw Get the development libraries of SDL for mingw32, copy the include directory to C:mingwincludeSDL so you have the file "C:mingwincludeSDLSDL.h", and the lib folder to C:mingwlib Get SDL_mixer development libraries for VC8, copy the header file to C:mingwincludeSDL and the .lib file to c:mingwlib Python and scons should be installed and working. To compile netpanzer run scons on the folder where you have the netpanzer source code: C:SomeFolderWithNetpanzer> scons After scons finish without errors you have to copy all the .DLL files from SDL and from SDL_mixer to the netpanzer folder. To run you can type 'netpanzer' or click on the netpanzer.exe file in explorer. 2.4 Building for distribution on non Windows operating systems If you plan to distribute NetPanzer for installation (on Linux systems, for example) there are some extra steps to be taken care. NetPanzer needs to know where the data files will be stored when the game runs. To set this data you have to add the parameter "datadir=/some/dir/" at compile time and NetPanzer will look there for its data files. Example: # scons datadir=/usr/local/games/netpanzer Using the sample line, after NetPanzer is built, it will look in /usr/local/games/netpanzer for it's data files. For versioning, there is a file called "RELEASE_VERSION", the first line on that file will be the version that NetPanzer will show. You can use that file to change the version of the game shown. You should modify the file before compilation. Actually there is no install script, you will have to prepare the script by yourself. The installation is actually easy, and you only have to copy several files. The following directories should be copied on the "datadir" destination: - cache/ - fonts/ - maps/ - pics/ - powerups/ - scripts/ - sound/ - units/ - wads/ If you want to copy some documentation, the "doc" folder has it. There is also the BUGS, COPYING, ChangeLog, README (this file), RELNOTES and TODO. "netpanzer.desktop" is a sample file for using on desktop systems. "netpanzer.png" and "netpanzer.xpm" are some sample icons to be use with the game. And of course, the file "netpanzer" is the main binary that should be on the PATH. 2.5 Music Netpanzer doesn't come with own musicfiles yet. However you can place your favourite .mp3, .ogg or .mod files into the sound/music directory and netpanzer will play these in random order while you play. 2.6 Starting the game You can start the game in several ways: If you compiled yourself NetPanzer (and didn't install), first "cd" to the folder where you compiled it and type: # ./netpanzer If NetPanzer was installed and is in the PATH, type # netpanzer It is possible that in your distribution NetPanzer was installed and has a menu item, if that is the case, just click on the item. On Windows, you can click on the "netpanzer.exe" file. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Gameplay This section needs to be written... Press F1 in the game for a quick overview of keys and in general trust your intuition :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Dedicated Server and Configuration Files Note: This has to be reviewed. You can start a dedicated netpanzer server (a pure server, without any video output). By starting netpanzer with the -d commandline option. The server reads the configuration from $HOME/.netpanzer/config/netpanzer-dedicated.ini The format is basically the same as the normal configuration file of netpanzer. Here's a short introduction into the option specific to a server in the server section of the file: *serverport [number], default 3030 Specifies the port which the server will be using. (The server is doing both, TCP and UDP connections on this port) *bindaddress [string], default "" Allows you to bind the server to a specific IP address (usefull if you have multiple IP addresses on 1 box) *logging [yes,no], default no When enabled the server creates detailed logs about the matches in the $HOME/logs directory. This can be usefull for creating statistics about the matches. *public [yes,no], default yes Register at the internet masterservers so that the server will appear in the serverlist of other players. *maxplayers [number], default 8 Number of players and bots that are able to play simultaneously on the server. *mapcycle [name], default "Cramped, Tight Quarters, Two Villages" A comma separated list of maps that this server will use. *maxunits [number], default 500 Number of maximum available units for all players. (Each player will be able to have maxplayers/maxunits units at once) *gametype [0,1,2], default 0 Type of game: (0=Objectives, 1=FragLimit, 2=TimeLimit) *timelimit [number], default 50 timelimit of the map in minutes (used when gametype = 2) *fraglimit [number], default 500 fraglimit of the map (used when gametype=1) *objectivepercentage [number], default 50 Percentage of outposts that has to be captured to win the game. (used when gametype=0) *mapcycling [yes,no], default no cycle to next map after a map ended. *powerups [yes,no], default yes enable/disable powerups *allowallies [yes,no], default yes allow/disallow players to allie *cloudcoverage [number], default 65 Number of clouds flying over the map. *windspeed [number], default 30 windspeed that affects particles and clouds *respawntype [0,1], default 1 Spawn mode: 0=Round Robin, 1=Random ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Bot Players Bot players can be spawn only on the dedicated server. To do that enter the server console and type: > addbot A new bot will appear on the game. Type help on the server console for more info and commands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Contact Bugs should be reported to the netPanzer forum: http://www.netpanzer.org/forum or you might be able to catch someone in irc at irc.freenode.net #netpanzer.
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