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Comment by: chris ( | At: 07 Jan 2015, 19:44 | File version: 1.2 | I just tried it here with the old Pagestream 5 OS4 build, and it imports at a ridiculous size, but I could scale it down and move it around as long as I dragged from an area with content on it. The http: thing I noticed when I was testing the 68k version. I think it's because the DTD reference in the header will be to an http location. Not much I can do about that, just cancel it (or install http-handler).
| | | Comment by: gerograph ( | At: 07 Jan 2015, 18:34 | File version: 1.2 | From a short test: It asks for Drive "http:"... after that I find a converted image, which can be loaded into Pagestream. However it cannot be replaced on my pagestream page. Converted Image came from Amifig package? Any Idea?
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