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 Readme for:  Graphics » Viewer » lookhere.lha


Description: The image viewer without warranties
Download: lookhere.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 1Mb
Version: 2.1
Date: 04 Feb 2010
Author: Fabio Falcucci (Allanon)
Submitter: Fabio Falcucci (Allanon)
Email: hijoe/tin it
Homepage: http://sdb.freeforums.org/lookhere-2-1-t49.html
Category: graphics/viewer
Replaces: graphics/viewer/lookhere.lha
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 5329
Comments: 9
Snapshots: 3
Videos: 0
Downloads: 324  (Current version)
641  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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The image viewer without warranties!
Version: 2.1
Licence: Freeware
Release date: 30 January 2010
Author: Fabio Falcucci (Allanon)
Support Forum: sdb.freeforums.org
Available for: AROS, OS4.x, OS3.x, MorphOS, MacOS_PPC, MacOS_x86, Win32, WarpOS,
MacOS PPC, MacOS x86

What is?
   LookHere is a program you can use to view images stored on your media.
   Very simple! Copy the executable <LookHere> along with the <Fonts>,
<Languages>, <Cache> and <Themes> drawers in any location on your hard disk.

   Run the <LookHere> executable and have fun!

Please read the included pdf documentation for a full explanation of all

Change Log from version 2.0
This is a quick release to fix some severe bugs, but some features has been
added as well
Fixed a bug in the keyboard handler, now you can navigate the GUI using the ","
(comma),  "." (dot) and "-" (dash) to activate the gadget.
Added many keyboard shortcuts to the gadgets:
 F10 	Help
 l   	Language selection
 a   	Add/replace mode switch
 d   	Open drawer
 f   	Open files
 v   	Open viewer window
 t   	Open thumbnail window
 s   	Slide Show
 m   	Manager window
 o   	Options window
 q   	Quit

VIEWER window
	w   	SlideShow in windowed mode
	f   	SlideShow in Fullscreen mode
	RIGHT 	Next image
	LEFT 	Previous image
	F1  	Zoom switch
	F2  	Ratio correction switch
	F3  	Smooth switch
	F4  	Transition switch
	ENTER  	Fullscreen
	F10 	Help
	q   	Close window

	c   	Next page
	z  	Previous page
	q   	Close window

MANAGER window
	c   	Copy
	m   	Move
	x   	Delete
	q   	Close window

OPTIONS window
	s   	Save now
	t   	Load theme
	r   	Restore defaults

- Now the ESC key will exit immediately during the drawer scanning
- Modified the feedback of the scanning drawer window, now instead of showing
all analyzed files shows only the images found (faster because less update is
- Removed some effects from the Light Effect List
- Fixed a bug in FX selection
- Added the following command line arguments:
  -filename FILENAME      	Show the specified image in fullscreen mode
  -drawer DRAWERNAME      	Scan the specified drawer and stats the slideshow
- Fixed the following behavior:
	When the user open the Viewer and/or Manager windows, then close them and hit
the <Open Drawer> or <Open Files> button, at the end of the scanning this two
windows were 	opened automatically to update the contents with the new images.
	Now these windows will be updated only when the user manually will re-open them
hitting 	on the Viewer/Manager buttons.
- Thanks to Tomek now is available the Polish language (in two version one with
international character and one without them).
- Fixed the wrong place of the Languages, Cache, Themes and Fonts of the MacOS
versions (Thanks to Michael Jurisch and Tipsi).
- Renamed the file <LookHere.Readme> with <LookHere_Readme.txt> of the MacOS
versions (Thanks to Michael Jurisch).
- Improved the Loading routine, especially when the [+] switch on the Main Bar
is set.
- Many people have asked for windowed thumbnails window, so here it is. I know
that should be resizeable: next time you will have it   ;-)
- Viewer window: 
  - removed the buttons OPEN DRAWER, OPEN FILES
  - added button FULLSCREEN SLIDE
  - renamed button PLAY to WINDOWED SLIDE
- MainBar window: 
  - Removed button SLIDE SHOW
- Thanks to kas1e for bug hunting and suggestions
- Fixed a bug that crashed the application when the user re-opened a window
moved out of the screen. Now the window is automatically repositioned inside the
- Thanks to Michael Jurisch for the German translation

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