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Comment by: samo79 ( | At: 11 Jun 2023, 10:22 | File version: 1.2 | Indeed, actually I needed this library to start an old old beta version MPlayer from Joerg... it asked exactly for this bz2.library but i couldn't found it on my system and i apparently it wasn't availible aniwhere under that name.. until i found a copy on your site.. that's why i thought it was ported by you :-)
| | | Comment by: salass00 ( | At: 10 Jun 2023, 09:49 | File version: 1.2 | The listed author is wrong. I think this is Joerg Strohmayer's bz2.library which used to be available on his website. There was also an incompatible bz2.library released with AmigaOS 4.x at one point (don't recall which exact OS update/version) but it had a bigger version number and was later renamed to bzip2.library.
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