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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Odyssey 1.23 r5 - AmigaOS4 New in r5 in comparison with r4 release: -- Source code with all amigaos4 specific changes and custom 3d party linker libraries are on GitHub now: https://github.com/kas1e/Odyssey/. All kinds of instructions and how-to are there as well so everyone can compile it and contribute. -- Refactoring and cleaning of sources such as: -- proper starnard debugging everywhere : added cross-platform D(bug("...")) define (see Base/debug.h), thus on OS4 always use DebugPrintF() instead of kprintf() and get rid of Clib2's libdebug.a -- get rid of libaos4deps.a, which contain sttcpy() and DoSuperNew() realisations, those functions now in separate object. -- get rid of CyberGraphics everywhere in favor of graphics.library (c) Capehill -- Rewritten DoSuperNew() function to use DoSuperMethodA() directly instead of DoSuperMethod(), as the later internally do call the same DoSuperMethodA(). So we skip that step to make DoSuperNew() be more efficient with less stack space in use. Thanks to Thore for the hint and Oliver for explaining. -- a bit better locale_cleanup (c) -- move the opening of asyncio.library to main.cpp same as other libraries, just to make things be cleaner (thanks to Javier for an idea) -- Application.library previously got v1 of the interface, but for some time it should be 2, fixed. -- actual build dates for $VER everywhere (version, aboutbox, and about.html) -- WebKit revision number is now presented in AboutBox too -- Bunch of other small changes. See GitHub commit logs for details. -- Recompiled Odyssey with GCC 11.1.0 and latest aos4 SDK 53.34 (2021-12-25). That means new MUI, DOS, Exec, pthreads, and co. As one of the positive results is the size of the unstripped binary starts to be smaller on 3MB (60MB instead of 63MB). Stripped one is 49MB. -- Added support of compositing video in fullscreen mode. Work done by Ami603 with help from Capehill & Hans De Ruiter. - You can have as many videos in different tabs as you wish in fullscreen, not just one as with overlay (be it P96 or CGX5). - Capehill also rewrote the media player's AHI part to use AHI device API, instead of AHI library API: No exclusive locks of audio hardware from Odyssey anymore with any AHI settings. So now you can play many accelerated videos in different tabs and run your AmigaAMP or Tunenet if there are needs. - Changed a bit backfill code, so when we are in compositing video mode and hit f11 to go to real fullscreen, then no left/right and bottom (when hit middle mouse button to hide player's GUI) borders visibly. - Mimic usual video-players behavior: if we are in full-window playback, and mouse cursor over the video, then after 2 seconds of inactivity we hide mouse pointer. Moving mouse or clicking mouse buttons made the cursor be visible again. - When we in accelerated full-window playback, then we disable screen blankers and enable them back once we exit from full-window playback. - And some additional fixes there and there which are not worthy of note. -- Major changes in whole Video/Audio support: - Thanks to Frank from AmiBoing/EntwicklerX Odyssey now uses Frank's real amiga shared libs for all FFmpeg parts handling video/audio in the browser. That in comparison with my older static FFmpeg compile mean: - We have now FFmpeg 2.2.16 instead of an older 2.2.1 (why not 3.x and 4.x ? Because since 2.2.16 some decoders start to be slower). - Binary of Odyssey is smaller on 5MB now, as no FFmpeg code is built-in, that code is in the shared libs instead. - Frank's version recognize Altivec unit and if available, uses the Altivec code automatically (so theoretically those ones who has Altivec machines can have better speed in video playback) All the shared libs are also placed in the LIBS folder of Odyssey and will be used from there now, so users will have no issues. But of course, you can move them all to system LIBS: directory if you wish: AmigaOS4 will firstly search libs in the LIBS: directory of Odyssey, and if nothing is found then the system's one. - incorporated fix for memory leak in ac_free_video_decoder done by Piru on "acinerella" (ffmpeg wrapper simplifying work with FFmpeg: https://github.com/astoeckel/acinerella/) - incorporated some change which Deadwood did for 1.25 version back in past named "Improved audio/video sync code in MediaPlayer" -- Enabled WebP support. -- Fixed bug in Odyssey with WebP rendering being in blue color (Cairo expect ARGB, no needs for byteswap) (c) Petrol. -- added APNG (animated png) support. Code taken from today's WebKit source code and adapted to our version + added .apng mime-type as well. Changes applied: https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/181553/webkit https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/194503/webkit For test visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APNG and see if animation works -- Fixed dangling pointer issue with WebPreferences, which was responsible for the "Conf" directory string becoming random garbage (c) Hans de Ruiter The issue was here for a long time, just with older GCC we were lucky enough to not step in. -- Fixed lame crash on exit happens when you use a beta of MUI and it brings you an "expire" window. -- Major improvements in spoofing area by Javier: new Spoofing preferences. Together with inbuild (and not editable) default Odyssey's user-agent, you can now add/edit your own ones. You also can choose what user agents you want to show on the menu and which didn't. All the user-agents saves in the 'useragents.prefs' placed in Conf , just like 'userscripts.prefs' or 'searchengines.prefs'. Also added a bunch of new and up2date user agents to "spoof as" by default (le iPhone OS 12.4 Nintendo Wii etc) -- Old version of Cairo we use till now didn't use Semaphores, but pthreads instead. Removed pthreads usage in favor of os4 semaphores. That theoretically can bring some speed and may have some impact on MediaPlayer. Also recompiled Cairo with libpng16 now. -- Changed in prefs/media "webm (vp8)" on "webm (vp8, vp9)" as we can play both. -- add functionality to disable audio/video MP4 support in Preferences/Media (handy when one wants to save mp4 instead of playing in-browser) from 1.25 (c) Deadwood. Enabled by default same as before. -- In the prefs/media enabled by default WebM, Flv, and Ogg (before they were disabled), so everything works out of the box. If users wish to not have video/audio be played in the browser but to have downloads instead, then those options can be disabled. -- Added option in prefs/secure to allow unauthorized self-signed certs (while not secure it is still HTTPS). -- Added support for 4th and 5th mouse buttons for stepping backward (4th) and forward (5th) through the browser history (like in IBrowse). -- Fixed bug in Cairo library caused skippable DSI on some sites in cairo_clip_intersect_rectangle_box() by adding related patches from the latest version of Cairo. -- Replaced old, statically linked, Pixman library v0.32.4 by newer v0.36.0 from Salas00: https://github.com/salass00/pixman_lib Salas00's version is a real amiga native shared library and has AOS4 native TLS (thread-local storage) implementation, which means that rendering is done now not from the same thread, but from different ones, => things can be faster. New pixman-1.library coming with release archive in the LIBS directory, so no action needs, all continue to work out of the box. Thanks, Salas00! -- Fixed nasty bug with missing TAG_DONE in the Dtpic object creation. Before it works by pure luck: If the memory following the unterminated tag list contains 'lucky' or invalid tag values then nothing bad happens. But a single 'unlucky' (but valid and possibly dangerous if not used correctly) tag value may cause unpredictable havoc (c) Thore. -- incorporated some change which Deadwood did for 1.25 version back in past named "Free locale regardless of application creation". -- Added script from Walkero to fix GitHub a little so it didn't look _that_ broken on our old WebKit core. -- new scripts for youtube from MorphOS guys (c) Andrea (?), so to make accelerated video player works again with changed youtube. 1). Delete in your scripts Youtube Fullscreen Fix and Youtube HTML5 Converter. Restart Odyssey and add again but this time new scripts (so allowed sites and stuff will be new ones) 2). Add to URL preferences http://youtube.com with spoof as Ipad 6.1. So it will always switch to the mobile version 3). Now on any video when you click on any part of the video, you will have in the right/bottom area gadget to expand the video: clicking on it will bring our accelerated media player back. -- Notification titles are now localized as well, see OWB.cd for MSG_NOTIFY_DL_COMPLETED, MSG_NOTIFY_DL_CANCELLED and MSG_NOTIFY_DL_FAILED (c) Javier. -- Updated catalogs -- Updated curl-ca-bundle.crt (https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem , 26 Oct 2021) -- Updated codesets.library to the latest one (6.21, 16 Jan 2018) -- Updated to Curl 7.80.0 (10th of November 2021) -- Updated to OpenSSL 1.1.1m (14-Dec-2021) (thans MicJT) -- Updated to RTMP 2.4 -- Updated to SQLite 3.34.0 (2020-12-01) instead of old v3.7.5 (2011-02-01). AmigaOS4 port by Steffen Gutmann. -- Updated to libFreeType2 2.11.1 (02-Dec-2021) -- Updated to libXML2 2.9.12 (13-May-2021) -- Updated to libXSLT 1.1.34 (30-Oct-2019) -- Updated to libWebP v1.2.2-rc1 (18-Dec-2021) -- Updated to libPNG 1.6.37 New in r4 in comparison with r3 release: -- backported deadwood's fixes from 1.25: - fixed major memory leak where Frames were not released together with their JS data - memory no longer continuously consumed while browsing - fixed a number of small memory leaks - fix for cookies, which make login to youtube, blogger, and some others works again. -- build against newer libssl 1.0.1q (solved Heardbleed issues, as well as give the ability to use some https sites again) -- fixed proxy server settings (thanks Thore): str_proxyusername and str_proxypassword get the same ID before, and settings applied to two objects with different tasks -- updated codesets.library to the latest one (at moment 6.19) -- updated curl-ca-bundle.crt (https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem , Apr 20 03:12:05 2016) New in r3 in comparison with r2 release: -- registered via application.library (which mean odyssey will have all tasty bonuses in the future from OS). -- added tasty ringhio notifications for downloads (download, abort and fail) -- added support of os4's urlopen as default and openurl as fallback. -- change "Amiga" on "Macintosh" in the user agent back , as it was originally on morphos. So sites which think that Amiga are mobile, will works in full mode by default now (like google.com for example). -- fixed few minor typos in About box -- fixed long-standing and problematic bug : locale agnostic accept-language headers. Before (since first 1.9 port), it was just all the time EN. So, all the locale-agnostic sites you visit always was in English by default. Now, depends on what your prefs:locale settings is, odyssey will produce correct accept-language header , as it was on morphos since 1.2 version. Also it was improved further for os4 port: added priority options as described in RFC (more sites will detect langauges properly), as well as priority list of locales in your prefs:locale are taken in account when constructed priorities values in accept-language header. -- updated till latest (6.18 at moment) codeset.library New in r2 in compare with first release: - fixed old info in the about/error html - fixed readme.info which point to appdir:codepad - fixed iconify with default mui icon, and not with odyssey's one - fixed window title which still shows OWB rather than Odyssey - fixed double "http://http://" in the About window. - fixed arexx port: so it is ODYSSEY now, and not OWB (to avoid conflicts with Joerg's OWB). - fixed "launcher exit by timeout", as it didn't find rexx port - fixed non working "ignore ssl erros" caused by too recent curl - fixed network stalls on some configs which also caused by too recent url. - new catalogs: italian, spanish, german, polish and dutch(netherlands) - new icons from Mason: inspector, bookmarks and media ones converted by Javier - include latest on 2014.03.29 youtube scripts from fab's page - include latest on 2014.03.29 codesets.library. ******************************************************************************** *** * * * IMPORTANT: if you're really impatient, look at the "Usage/First Run" section. * * * * IMPORTANT BIS: read "Youtube" section, if you plan to play videos from Youtube. * * * ******************************************************************************** *** What is Odyssey Web Browser --------------------------- Odyssey Web Browser is a WebKit-based browser originally based on OWB from Sand-Labs/Pleyo. Since then, it has been extensively developed to become a full-blown desktop browser with modern functionality. License ------- Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Fabien Coeurjoly Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Pleyo. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ITS AUTHORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ITS AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. AmigaOS4 Port ------------ Here are the key features: - Based on r155188 WebKit (October 2013) - Javascript, CSS, DOM, SVG, Unicode, SSL, ... - HTML5 Video/Audio support (Ogg/Theora, WEBM, MPEG4/H264, MP3, AAC, WAV and a couple others formats/codecs) - Antialiased fonts and kerning, font families and support for international charsets - MUI Interface - Cairo technology !!1 - Multiple tabs and windows - Download manager with resume and history support - Password manager - Cookie manager - Messages console - Network connections manager - Proxy support - Session support - Form filling completion - Bookmarks - Fastlinks - Configurable MIME types - History - Content blocking - URL Completion - Favicon support - Private Browsing - Per URL settings - Configurable contextual menus - Configurable search engines - Contextual cursors - Drag and Drop support - Clipboard support - Fullscreen support - OpenURL/Rexx support - PDF export - Printing support - WebInspector (FireBug-like) - User scripting (GreaseMonkey-like) ... Missing in AmigaOS4 port ------------------------ - Plugin support - Spell checking support Requirements ------------ AmigaOS4.1 update6 + latest MUI4 (http://muidev.de) Full version requires at least 55MB of free memory and potentially much more depending on visited sites. Usage ----- - First run (IMPORTANT! READ!) At *first* run, Odyssey will index your truetype fonts directory (fonts:_TrueType and fonts:_ttf by default). This operation can take a long time (expect a few minutes on low end sams). Once it's done, a conf/font/fonts-<hash>.cache file is created for each configured font directory. If you wish to use another truetype font directory, please edit conf/font/fonts.conf and change the <dir> attribute. By default, it's: ... <!-- Font directory list --> <dir>fonts:_TrueType</dir> <dir>fonts:_ttf</dir> ... You can add additional directories by adding a <dir>..</dir> line. I strongly advise to use Microsoft fonts instead of default fonts:_ttf that aren't really suited for web use. Just run the "Download Fonts" script supplied with Odyssey. Once it's done, I also advise removing "<dir>fonts/_ttf</dir>" from fonts.conf files to reduce substitution times. To use japanese fonts or anything else, just add relevant fonts in the configured font directory. Please note that japanese fonts can slow down rendering quite a lot. - Settings + General Homepage, startpage and shell output window (useful for external actions). + Interface Toolbar, autocompletion modes, favicons, quicklink layout, ... + Contextual Menus Custom actions can be configured for link, page and image menus. For instance, you can link a video/audio player to a link, or getvideo to play youtube content. + Mimetypes Each mimetype can be configured to trigger a specific action: view with browser, download or display with an external viewer. That's the place to configure if you have some issues with downloading direct links, for instance. + Content Cache model, content blocking, animation/picture/javascript activation, ... + Fonts Size and font families can be configured. For much finer configuration, see conf/font/fonts.conf. + Network User agent, number of simultaneous connections, proxy settings. + Download Download directory and download manager behaviour. + Privacy Settings for session, history, cookies, local storage, form credentials, form completion... + Security SSL settings + Media Settings for H264 filter mode, fast seeking and WEBM/VP8 codec. - Some additional exotic settings are only available through env vars at the moment (they will end in regular settings later, if they still make sense): HTTP_PROXY [proxy address string] - specifies the proxy address to use OWB_USER_AGENT [user agent string] - overrides the user agent configured in settings OWB_POLLTIME [value in milliseconds (default is 10ms)] - can help increasing network speed (the lower, the faster). OWB_BENCHMARK prints timing information in debuglog about rendering process OWB_NO_STATIC_BACKGROUND ignores background "fixed" CSS attribute (interesting on slower machines) OWB_CURL_DEBUG prints CURL debug (HTTP requests, answers and connection management) OWB_CURL_FORBID_REUSE prevents CURL from keeping request connections alive and re-using them (slower but more bullet-proof) OWB_CURL_FORBID_ENCODING disables gzip support (can help in some situations for some rare buggy sites). OWB_DISABLE_MOBILE_COMPRESSION disables cache, which as a consequence prevents some particular mobile provider/proxies from sending compressed content. OWB_NO_PERIODIC_COLLECT disables javascript periodic garbage collection. - Bookmarks Odyssey can import IBrowse bookmarks. Just copy it to Odyssey directory as bookmarks.html. If you wish to make an entry appear in fastlinks or pulldown menu, just check the relevant option in bookmark editor. Also note you can drag'n'drop links between many different elements of the GUI. - REXX port OPEN NAME/K,NEWPAGE/S,BACKGROUND/S,SOURCE/S RELOAD BACK FORWARD SAVEURL URL/A,AS/K ADDBOOKMARK TITLE/A,URL/A,ALIAS/K,MENU/S,QUICKLINK/S GETURL SELECTEDTEXT - OpenURL configuration Rexx Port: Odyssey Show:SHOW Screen To Front: SCREENTOFRONT Open: OPEN NAME="%u" Open in new window: OPEN NAME="%u" NEWPAGE Remember, when you write your own scripts, skip "=". I.e: To open in current window: ram:> rx "address odyssey.1; OPEN NAME 'http://google.com'" To open in new tab: ram:> rx "address odyssey.1; OPEN NAME 'http://google.com' NEWPAGE" Script example: /**/ Address Odyssey.1 OPEN NAME "http://google.co.uk" Say "Done" Youtube special notes --------------------- There are a few things to know about Youtube, since it tends to change (or rather break) quite often. Youtube introduced a new way to play media without using Flash: HTML5 video. This service isn't enabled by default nor autodetected, so it has to be enabled by going to http://www.youtube.com/html5 and clicking the subscription link (no account needed, only a cookie will be set). There are a few more important elements to consider: - Youtube broke the fullscreen mode that worked just nicely before, so a script is needed to workaround this. This is done by going to Windows->Scripts and adding the "Scripts/youtube_fullcreen_fix.js" userscript. This fullscreen mode is particularly important, since Odyssey uses overlay output in this mode, which makes it about 3 times faster, synchronized on VBL, and smoother as well, compared to windowed mode. !!--NOTE-- AmigaOS4 port do not support full screen playback currently, probably in next versions. !!--NOTE-- - Not all Youtube links are available as HTML5 yet. Fortunately, there's a way to "convert" the remaining Flash-only links to HTML5 by adding the "Script/Youtube.js" script in Windows->Scripts. When this script is enabled, the Flash element on Youtube is removed, the video direct URLs are retrieved, and a HTML5 <video> tag is added, playing the video file, without Flash. Direct links to the video are also displayed below the video. Please note that if the Flash plugin is not installed, a "Get Flash" message will be shown over the video, and will also prevent the video from being started automatically, which means one of the links below the video will have to be clicked to play the video. Also note that format "18" (mp4) is the most efficient one, since FLV ones can have some speed and synchronisation issue when seeking. - Since Youtube can break stuff anytime, be sure to check for updated userscripts in http://fabportnawak.free.fr/owb/scripts/ if something broke. Preempted rants --------------- - It takes ages to start! -> It only happens at first start or when you update your fonts. Current Odyssey version uses FontConfig, which is quite slow at indexing. After that, it should start in a second or so. - It's slow! -> Odyssey is based on WebKit and this version uses Cairo to render. Modern browsers tend to be a bit heavier than our good old browsers. :) That said, there's still room for optimization, especially regarding cairo rendering speed. - It's too memory-hungry! -> See above. Also note that WebKit will often crash *voluntarily* when running out of memory, instead of taking alternative measures. I could avoid some of these crashes (like too large document/image allocations), but it's quite impossible to fix WebKit everywhere. - Some SSL websites show a certificate error requester! -> Maybe they're not certified. You can either update "curl-ca-bundle.crt" file, or ignore SSL errors by enabling "Ignore SSL errors" in Settings/Security. - It crashes! -> Odyssey is fairly stable (as long as you have enough memory, like most posix application nowadays unfortunately...). If you get a reproducible crash (unrelated to memory usage), send me a debug log. - Odyssey hits/crashes when opening more than n tabs. -> known bug in MUI, which was fixed in MorphOS 2.3. For previous versions, it can be avoided by just unchecking system prefs->Debug->MUI->Error checkmark (the error was caused by MUI debug routine). - I get no sound in HTML5 playback! / Odyssey locks audio hardware! -> Audio output uses AHI music unit at the moment, which is unfortunately exclusive. It's still possible to play several sounds at once (and avoid blocking audio hardware) with device.audio, by setting AHI music unit to: "Unit 0: <mode>" in system preferences. What's missing and might be supported in next versions ------------------------------------------------------ - History with nicer sorting options - Certificate (SSL) manager - More configurable UI elements ... and probably more... History ------- - 25.12.2013: Odyssey Web Browser 1.23 - Fixed a nasty race condition in the ffmpeg version supplied since 1.21. ############################################################################## - 20.12.2013: Odyssey Web Browser 1.22 - Fixed the slowness issue with topsites, when adblock was enabled. In that case, the generated screenshot data: URI (which is basically the screenshot raw data encoded as base64) was matched against the rules in adblock, which was obviously very slow. - For security reasons, file:/// URL couldn't be accessed from topsites. Fixed as well. ############################################################################## - 10.12.2013: Odyssey Web Browser 1.21. Core: - Updated to WebKit r155188 (October 2013) : big changes (and thus regressions :)) happened in many parts of WebKit since previous Odyssey release (clipboard, drag'n'drop, network, javascript, inspector, c++0x requirements, ...). They should hopefully all be addressed. - Updated to the new Webinspector layout. - Fixed the layout of the FTP listing, so that the rows don't use all the available vertical space. - Fixed a crash with self-disposing <select> objects (e.g priority cycle in MLDonkey Web interface). - Localstorage databases (conf/localstorage/#?.localstorage) were not released at exit, which prevented from deleting them manually. - Disabled non functional HTML5 MediaSource (it should help with some non-working YouTube links in HTML5 mode). - Fixed a bug with the "view source code" function that would sometimes just show a blank view. - The mimetype actions would not always be triggered properly in some cases (mainly because of redirections or content-disposition header). The response URL (or content-disposition filename if available) is now used when extension matching is needed. - Added more common mimetype extensions in mimetype default configuration. - Fixed a potential race condition at webview closing. GUI: - Contextual cursor was sometimes not reset to normal cursor when leaving the webview area. - Added proxy support in network prefs section. - If webinspector is enabled, webinspector button is now also shown in navigation toolbar. - Added "TopSites" feature, showing most recently visited sites thumbnails. This page can be accessed from "topsites://" URL. Feel free to make suggestions about this new option. :) - Ambient deficons are now shown in file input controls (MorphOS 3.4+ required). - Ambient deficons are now shown in download manager lists (MorphOS 3.4+ required). - Select all the text in the search string when searching for text in a page. - Close google and history suggestion popup lists when the text is fully erased. - Added a "start downloads automatically" option, which allows to skip the file requester step. - Added a status icon to indicate if userscripts are running on a given page. The bubble help on this icon also shows which userscripts are actually running. - In bookmarks window, quicklinks favicons and URL are now displayed, to make it easier to create and identify title-less quick links. - Added support for multiple selection with file input elements. - Show FTP URL as window/tab title, instead of a blank title. - In image views, show the image filename instead of "unnamed title". - Implemented HTML5 ColorChooser dialog, using MUI Colorwheel. - Added a filename popup gadget for mimetype viewer. - Added a new page URL option (defaults to topsites://). - Also show column number in javascript error/warning messages. Media player: - Updated to ffmpeg from 27.11.2013. - Enabled support for VP9 codec. - Audio-only media could sometimes report a null duration : in practice, it fixes a hard crash with Facebook chat audio notifications. - Fixed a 32bits overflow with audio-only media: the visible effect was that the player would stop updating time controls at 2:32. - Added more sanity checks in ffmpeg support. Network: - Reimplemented HTTP authentication to be more compliant. It should also fix a crash that happened when cancelling the authentication requester in some cases. - Added support for multipart contents. - Fixed potential crashes with data: URI handling. - Fixed an illegal memory access that would sometimes happen at exit, when FTP was used. Spellchecker: - Misspelled words are now underlined in red instead of black. Scripts: - Updated YouTube_Fullscreen_Fix.js: fullscreen mode should work again. It also replaces all youtube links in right column so that the page is reloaded when clicking them, allowing the script to be executed again. ############################################################################## - 10.03.2013: Odyssey Web Browser 1.20. - Updated to WebKit r144529 (March 2013). Amongst many other fixes, it cures an issue with some asp sites. - More bugfixes in websockets handling. - With spellchecker.library 50.1+ (MorphOS 3.2+), word learning feature is now functional. - Added copy image URL location in image contextmenu. - Don't crash when HTML5 desktop notifications are invoked. - Plugins are now expected to have version 2 or later. ############################################################################## - 01.02.2013: Odyssey Web Browser 1.19. - Updated to WebKit r139311 (January 2013). - Updated to cURL 7.28.1. - Totally rewritten cookie system, which should be more robust and compliant to specifications. The database structure has changed, so all previous cookies will be ignored and a new database will be created instead (in conf/cookies.db). - Fixed some issue with back/forward navigation buttons that could be wrongly ghosted with frame-based sites. - Make WebInspector custom contextmenu work again. - Make cookies appear properly in WebInspector - Make sure the garbage collector is called periodically and/or when memory gets too low. - Fixed a crash with websockets where the class client disposed the connection by itself. ############################################################################## - 24.12.2012: Odyssey Web Browser 1.18 "Broken arm" release. - Updated to WebKit r127386 (September 2012) - Reworked forms elements default theme (buttons, checkmarks, strings, ...). - Updated HTML5 MediaPlayer controls to work with the new WebKit behaviour. Look is slightly updated as well. - Modified the handling of autocompleted login/password forms to be more compliant with WebKit internals. - Exposed localstorage option to global and per-url settings. - Changed some security settings to allow document upload in Google Docs/Drive. - Enabled more HTML5 features, now scoring 392+16 bonus points at html5test.com. - Updated main browsers useragents to their current version. - Updated Youtube.js to deal with Youtube latest changes. - Updated WebCore fonts downloader. ############################################################################## - 14.05.2012: Odyssey Web Browser 1.17 - Updated to WebKit r114842 (April 2012). - Updated to Cairo 1.12 and Pixman 0.24.4: gives about 40% speedup in rendering. - Updated to ICU 4.9.1: the data files are now stored externally in PROGDIR:resource/icudt49b/ to save some memory. Make sure to copy them if you update (a requester will warn you if you don't). - Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.0j. - Updated to Curl 7.25.0. - Updated to FFMPEG GIT from 13.05.2012. - Updated to SQLite 3.7.11. - Updated to libXML2 2.7.8 and libXSLT 1.1.26. - History completion popup is now multithreaded, which fixes a latency issue when typing the URL. - Implemented form filling completion feature. It can be enabled in prefs->privacy settings. Note that calltips.mcc is required, which is included with MorphOS 3+ or 2.x SDK with Scribble. - The "add bookmark" button now has two states, to indicate whether the current URL is already bookmarked or not. - Adding a bookmark from the browser window now always adds it to the end of the bookmarks, and no longer at the end of the currently selected group. - Added Back/Forward/Reload/Stop in view menu. - The password from the URL is now removed if present, when setting the comment of a downloaded file. - Fixed the "Open in new window" function that didn't work anymore in 1.16 due to the new popup policy option. - Fixed attachments not working anymore in GMail. - Fixed again AltGr key handling for GoogleDocs. - Fixed pasting from clipboard when multiple text chunks are used (YAM does it). - Escape unwanted characters in bookmarks URLs, aliases and titles. - Prune favicons database at startup, since it can really grow a lot over time. - Tweaked cross origin access control to make youtube video upload work. - Fixed some issue with 401 handling. Should fix some cPanel administration pages, for instance (hello Christoph and Pampers :)). - Fixed pagination in PDF export. - Fixed HTML5 local storage. - Fixed some WebSocket potential crash issue at disconnection. - Attempt to fix some deadlock issue in mediaplayer at disposal under heavy stress. - Avoid spawning an useless video decoder thread for audio-only files, and vice-versa. ############################################################################## - 24.12.2011: Odyssey Web Browser 1.16 - Updated to WebKit r103170 (December 2011). - Added Postscript printing support. - Added PRINT REXX command. - Connected JavascriptCore print method to the printing system. - Reworked PDF export to produce more usable output dimensions. - Added an option to define if a popup should open in a tab or a window. - The page where a download is coming from (when available) is now also stored and can be restored from download manager contextmenu. - Enabled large file support in Curl (>4GB files, assuming the underlying filesystem supports it). - Make F11 key (fullscreen toggle) also work in the video overlay area. - Disable blanker when entering video overlay mode. - A quicklink wouldn't be updated properly after its URL was changed in bookmarks. - Make the webview object active after a provisional load event, to be able to tab-cycle between the page form elements without clicking the webview first. - Fixed a crash issue with the imp.free.fr webmail (old version). It was a deadly combination of the 417 status code handling and frame disposal. - Fixed an issue in authentication process happening for instance with system.ch server. - In middle mouse button scrolling mode, releasing button over a link would open the link. - Updated Youtube.js ############################################################################## - 28.10.2011: Odyssey Web Browser 1.15 - Updated to WebKit r98566 (October 2011). - Tabs are now detachable when dropped outside of the window. They can also be attached to another existing window by dropping them on the target window webview/tab group. - Added an new autoscroll mode when doubleclicking middle mouse button (click button again to abort). - Added GETTITLE REXX command. - Updated a couple useragents. - Improved dragimage for selected text. It now looks 1:1 like selected content. - Make sure search suggestion poplist is closed when the search string is validated. - Made AltGr key work in googledocs. - Applied a patch to prevent mydrive.ch from hanging when uploading. - Threading layer reworked so that a task uses only one signal for all its child threads.It avoids "out of exec signal" situations that prevented from running more than 3-4 mediaplayer instances at the same time. - Restore video fullpage/overlay mode after switching a webview to fullscreen/window mode. - Hide panels when switching a webview to fullscreen mode and restore state when switching back. - Make sure all media elements instances are disposed when closing a webview (WebKit would sometimes forget some). - When running out of memory, the "death requester" now also gives the choice between retrying the allocation (giving a chance to free some memory from another application) or attempting to quit the application (it might just fail!). - Fixed YouTube HTML5 fullscreen mode (Youtube_Fullscreen_Fix.js). - Updated youtube.js. ############################################################################## - 05.08.2011: Odyssey Web Browser 1.14 (July 2011) - Changed the name to "Odyssey Web Browser". Like it or hate it, but you can still call it OWB, anyway. :) - Updated to WebKit r91657 (July 2011). - Updated to Curl 7.21.7. - Use OpenSSL 0.9.8o since 1.0.0d introduced issues with some sites that used to work previously. - Added a popup menu in search string showing Google suggestions for the currently typed word. - Added a cookie policy option in URL settings (possibility to filter on both URL and cookie names with regular expressions). - Added a cookie policy option in global settings. - Allow deleting a cookie domain (and all its cookies) in cookie manager window. - Decrease rootgroup spacing in fullscreen mode. - Added FULLSCREEN REXX command. - Added a fullscreen menu entry, for people lacking F11 key. :) - URLs with video/audio MIME types can now be played directly inside the browser, if the related MIME type action is set to "Internal viewer" (assuming the codec/format is supported). - Don't show scrollbars in video fullpage mode. - Fixed a possible deadlock in MediaPlayer when the object is disposed very early. - Made support for FLV and OGG optional in media settings (disabled by default), since these formats can sometimes confuse some sites like DailyMotion (refusing to play anything if OGG is available ?!), and YouTube (serving FLV in HTML5 mode ?!!). - Honour the "attachment" attribute in Content-Disposition response header and force download when it's set. - Implemented the necessary logic in CURL backend to upload documents in Google Docs and YouTube (it could already work before by spoofing to older browsers versions, but they're not supported anymore). - Upload progress is now notified to the DOM (allows scripts to display progress). - Show an appropriate status/progress and lamp for upload connections in network activity/network lamps. - Fixed month display in FTP view. - Make use of a FTP template page (resource/FTPDirectoryTemplate.html) to enhance the look of the FTP view. - Set a proper mimetype (based on extension) for the URLs with a FTP scheme, instead of displaying them as raw text content. - Fixed YouTube HTML5 fullscreen mode, since it changed again (Youtube_Fullscreen_Fix.js). - Updated youtube.js userscript to work after the recent YouTube changes. ############################################################################## - 16.07.2011: OWB 1.13 - Updated to WebKit r90337 (July 2011). - Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.0d. - Updated SSL certificates. - Added SpellChecker library support. Dictionaries are expected in that kind of path: LOCALE:dictionaries/<language>/base.dic To enable spellchecker, use contextmenu in a text/textarea element and enable "Check Spelling While Typing". - Added arrows to <select> element default style, to differentiate it from a plain text element. - Added middle mouse button scrolling. - Implemented a kind of fullscreen display, triggered on/off with F11 key. - Attempt to fix a problem with cookies subdomain handling. - Added a media control panel (play/pause/seek/volume) in fullwindow mode (overlay). It can be hidden/shown with middle mouse button. - Fixed an issue with some vimeo links that prevented videos from being played. - Fixed an application deadlock that happened when closing a page while a WebM video was still in seeking phase. - Fixed CSS issues in builtin media player stylesheet. - Updated Youtube.js to enforce container height after recent Youtube changes, so that media controls aren't cropped. - Added "OWB_DISABLE_MOBILE_COMPRESSION" ENV option to disable mobile compression (hello pampers :)). ############################################################################## - 04.03.2011: OWB 1.12 - Updated to WebKit r80266 (March 2011). - Added support for "private browsing". To enable it (on a per-tab basis), enable "private browsing" in Settings menu. Once activated, private browsing will disable any kind of data storage (history/cookies/favicons/sessions/...). Private browsing is inherited for any page created from a page in private browsing mode. - Implemented per-URL settings (for plugins/images/javascript/useragent options). For instance, it could be used so that a given site is accessed under IPad user agent with plugin (Flash) disabled. - Improved UTF8/local charset support for clipboard. When copying, UTF8 and local strings are copied in two different chunks, which allows legacy applications to retrieve local charset string, while OWB (and possibly other applications) make use of the UTF8 chunk. - Added a clipboard monitor to address an issue with DHTML copy. After a rich-text copy, paste would always reuse that content, even if system clipboard had been modified (externally or not) in the meanwhile. This clipboard monitor allows to reset DHTML clipboard as soon as a regular system clipboard copy has been performed. - Added a "mark all matches" option in text find function. - The bookmark class is not limited anymore to one level of depth. Please note that Intuition menus also have this limitation, though. So if you plan to display subfolders in menu as well, they'll be flattened, unless you use MUI menus instead of Intuition menus. - Tweaked mediaplayer to work again with spiegel.de HTML5 videos. - Fixed mediaplayer autoplay that got broken in some cases. - Fixed an endianess bug in WebKit shadow effect that prevented them from being shown. - Adjusted font backend to show font-weight:semi-bold as bold instead of showing it as normal text (cairo/freetype backend only supports normal/bold levels). - Fixed an issue with per-tab settings being reset by WebKit after a new tab creation. - Fixed some possible crash with select items that were deleted from DOM at selection change. - Fixed youtube.js userscript for recent YouTube changes (in fact, it could already work, with the alternative link method that could be selected in youtube.js preferences). - Changed about: and error pages (contribution from Samir Hawamdeh). ############################################################################## - 05.11.2010: OWB 1.11 - Updated to WebKit r71312 (5th November 2010). Fixes amongst other things: - lazy loading of thumbnails on youtube and google image. - crash at http://www.reco.se. - Updated to Pixman 0.20.0. - Now compiled with GCC 4.4.4. - Avoid redrawing a bitmap each time a data chunk is received from network. Should speed up pictures loading time, or at least decrease CPU usage substancially. - Added a workaround to avoid using "complex font rendering" code path (triggered by "text-rendering: optimizedlegibility" CSS attribute, or by fonts requiring ligatures). The complex mode is indeed not implemented in cairo/freetype font backend, which caused the sites using it to show invisible text (for instance http://www.mentor.com/). - Replaced the contextmenu for media elements with WebKit's own implementation. - Added SELECTEDTEXT REXX command (text is converted to local charset). - Added "Ignore" to the available mimetype user actions. - Added Safari 5 and Opera 10 user agents. - Updated youtube_fullscreen_fix.js to support embedded youtube as well (remove/readd the script to take the new URL pattern into account) - In youtube.js, remove explicitely the dynamically created video element at unload event, to avoid a potential media instance "leak". - Hopefully fixed some rare random crash related to a bug in reference pointers holding cairo objects. - Enabled again the "death requester" in case of low memory, since it had been disabled somehow. This requester is somewhat useful, because it frees allocated memory and kills OWB in a harmless way. ############################################################################## - 05.09.2010: OWB 1.10 - Updated to WebKit r66666 (2 September 2010). - Implemented HTML5 Drag and Drop (text and images can be dragged/dropped from/to several places). - Reworked login/password form detection rules to be more tolerant. - Added a shortcut/keyword for search engine definition. For instance, if you have 'g' as shortcut for google engine, typing "g foobar" in URL will order a search using google engine. - Enabled again CSS shadow effect, since the webkit/cairo implementation was finally made fast enough. - Fixed some potential crash in WebKit when a file can't be displayed internally and that plugins are disabled or not available. - Search engine string now handles input codepage correctly. - "Find in page" now handles input codepage correctly. - The focus ring wasn't displayed anymore after having cycled (tab key) through the whole page and re-entering it again. - Filter invalid characters for downloaded filenames. - Convert downloaded filenames to local charset. - Added amiga+r (reload) and amiga+s (stop) shortcuts. - ()exclude keyword in userscripts was actually adding the sites to the whitelist too. :) - Updated youtube_fullscreen_fix.js since youtube broke it (again). - Removed useless user-agent checks in youtube.js. - Removed dailymotion userscript, since their HTML5 player has been rewritten and now supports fullscreen properly. - Added OWB_CURL_FORBID_ENCODING ENV var to disable gzip support (mostly for debug purpose, but can also help for some broken sites). ############################################################################## - 08.08.2010: OWB 1.9 - Updated to OWB r1468. To be noted OWB doesn't seem to be actively developped since May, so I'll merge directly against WebKit, from now on. - Updated to WebKit r63894 (July 2010). - Updated to CURL 7.21.0 - Interrupt a pending DNS thread immediately when a connection handle is being disposed. - Reduced the amount of Exec signals allocated for DNS resolution threads (one for all threads, instead of one per thread). - Added OWB_CURL_FORBID_REUSE ENV var to disable CURL connection re-use feature (this feature sometimes causes stalled connections, for a yet unknown reason). - MediaPlayer: - Changed native controls skin and behaviour to look like Chrome's mediaplayer. - Added optional support for VP8/WEBM codec (Settings->Media section). - Added optional support for fast seeking (consists in creating a new connection instead of downloading everything before the target position). It can be disabled in Settings->Media section. - Made the H264 loopfilter mode configurable in Settings->Media section - Enabled altivec in ffmpeg (except for Theora, since it's currently broken). - Disabled ffmpeg FAST flag for decoding, since it could give ugly results on some files. - Added play/pause/mute/unmute/download media/copy media URL contextmenu entries for HTML Media elements. - Defer audio hardware allocation until play event, and release it at the end of stream instead of waiting until media player destruction, to help a bit with people not using device.audio AHI mode. WebKit can indeed cache mediaplayer instances until tab destruction, so there are situations where audio wouldn't be available anymore. - Fixed a strange cookie path restriction in OWB cookie handling, which makes wordpress.com login work. - Fixed youtube.js to work with Youtube latest changes, and made MPEG4 the default format (fmt=18), instead of FLV, since it's faster and better supported. - Added per-tab options in settings menu for plugins, images, javascript and user-agent. - Reworked the refresh method to use several rectangles, when it's more efficient to do so. - Modified the scrolling implementation to behave correctly with the WebKit recent optimizations regarding fixed elements. It also fixes some occasional glitch in custom scrollers rendering. - Disabled WebKit box-shadow effect rendering, since it was extremely slow with cairo. This "cures" abnormal slowness on sites like apple.com/html5 or ign.com. - Added a "remaining time" column in download manager. - Added Amiga + z and Amiga + shift + z qualifier for undo/redo. - Added Shift + Space shortcut as "page up" function. - Added a search string in bookmark and cookies window. - "Add bookmark" button now adds bookmarks below the currently selected node, or at the end of the current group list, if a group node is selected. If no entry is selected, the new link is still added to the end, like before. - Allow to scroll in bookmark tree when dragging an entry over upper or lower areas of the listtree object. - Added a persistant "show in menu" option in the bookmark title selection window (this window appears when dropping a link on quicklinks group or "add bookmark" button). - Added a special favicon for bookmarks/quicklinks with "javascript:" scheme. - Added a contextmenu to copy an entry URL in password manager. - Character '&' wasn't processed properly in search engine string. - Truncate history/bookmark to 64 characters in pulldown menu. - Moved WebInspector ENV var option to a regular setting in Prefs->Content section. - Added an option to enable/disable plugins globally in Prefs->Content section. - Create a new tab/window when selecting an entry in "recently closed views" menu. - Added user-agents for Chrome, Iphone and Ipad (spoofing as IPad can help showing some sites with HTML5 Video/Audio instead of Flash). - Added OWB_NO_STATIC_BACKGROUND ENV variable to ignore background "fixed" CSS attribute, which improves scrolling performance. - Added notes about Youtube and the specific settings to make it work in HTML5 or at least without Flash using the builtin player. So *please* read the Youtube section of this document if you have trouble playing Youtube videos. ############################################################################## - 04.06.2010: OWB 1.8 - Updated to OWB SVN r1458. - Updated to CURL 7.20.1 and implemented a threaded DNS resolver, which prevents OWB network task from being blocked until a DNS resolution is finished. - Updated to PixMan 0.18.0. - Implemented fullscreen mode for HTML5 video, using overlay. In this mode, the CPU usage is reduced drastically (about 300% speedup for youtube 360p content). - Added a "switch to fullscreen" context menu entry for plain HTML5 video elements. - Fixed some possible audio glitches due to an error in buffer management. - Fixed some minor issues in MediaPlayer timeline handling. - Implemented an userscript manager (GreaseMonkey-like). In practice, it means a webpage can be modified on-the-fly with a JavaScript script. In Scripts/ directory, two examples can be found: - hello.js: a simple example to illustrate the script functionality. - youtube.js: when applied to a youtube link (in Flash mode), this script adds direct links to the video, and replaces the Flash element by a HTML5 Video element. I suggest adding &fmt=18 to the youtube link to play the 360p mp4 version by default. To be noted scripts are only injected to tabs/windows created after their addition in the script manager. - Use MorphOS 2.x charsets.library for UTF8->local conversions (if available). - Added icons for "add bookmark" and "bookmarks" buttons. - Added ctrl+pgup/pgdown shortcut to cycle between tabs. - Added a search string for bookmarks and history panels. - Added a "copy to clipboard" contextmenu entry for network activity window. - Tabs can be now be dragged too (MorphOS 2.5 required). - When dropping a tab to bookmarks or quicklinks, use the site title instead of "no title". - Disable gzip on-the-fly decompression when downloading gzip files. - Copying UTF8 strings to system clipboard from contextmenu could result in truncated strings. - Adjusted timer to postpone short requests when they are too frequent, since they could cause high CPU usage in some cases. - Fixed a bug in download manager when a download connection fails before even asking for destination. - Fixed some NULL pointer read access in OWB fontcache, when no fonts are found. - Fixed some more minor memory leaks in OWB API usage. Notes about YouTube and HTML5: - You can enable HTML5 in YouTube by going to http://www.youtube.com/html5 and follow instructions (no account needed). - Youtube broke the "fullscreen" mode just before this release. I supplied an userscript in Scripts/ to fix it: go to windows->scripts and add Scripts/Youtube_Fullscreen_Fix.js. Once it's effective, fullscreen mode will use overlay (i.e much faster). - Don't forget to read notes about sound in "Preempted rants" section. :) ############################################################################## - 04.03.2010: OWB 1.7 - Updated to OWB SVN r1369. - Updated to Curl 7.20. - Implemented HTML5 Media backend (<VIDEO> and <AUDIO>) through FFMpeg: - Support for most common codecs: Ogg/Theora/Vorbis, MPEG4, H264, AAC, MP3, Wav, ... - Builtin controls support. - Sites like dailymotion/openvideo, youtube/html5 and vimeo work. Here are a few random links: - http://openvideo.dailymotion.com/video/xbzemj_le-clan-suricate_animals - http://vimeo.com/8504375 (select "switch to html5" at bottom right) - http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody/test.html - http://diveintohtml5.org/video.html (bottom) - http://people.opera.com/howcome/2007/video/controls.html - http://www.scottandrew.com/pub/html5audioplayer/ - For youtube, subscribe to beta html5 program by going to http://www.youtube.com/html5 - Known issues/limitations: - Audio output uses AHI music unit at the moment, which is unfortunately exclusive. It's still possible to play several sounds at once with this mode, by setting AHI music unit to: "Unit 0: <mode>". - Each media instance requires one exec signal in OWB main task, which means there can be 5 concurrent media players at most (depending on other OWB options that can also eat signals). - Fullscreen mode isn't implemented yet. - The whole media is stored in memory (sorry for this one, it will be handled in a more elegant way later). - Added search engine configuration window. - Implemented JavaScript window modes for popups (no toolbar, no status, window size, ...). - Improved keyboard support, more texteditor shortcuts work now: ctrl+a (select all), ctrl+[shift]+z (undo/redo), ctrl+b/u/i (bold,underline,italic), ... It also makes http://www.konamicodesites.com work properly. :) - Added ctrl+wheel combination to zoom in/out. - Added an option to make navigation toolbar frameless. - Reworked navigation buttons: buttons now have hover and selection effects (note that brushes are not in .mim format anymore). - Added dynamic frame for quicklinks in borderless mode. - Added optional horizontal separators between navigation, quicklinks and address groups. - Added status images for local/internet/secure/insecure areas. - Added optional validation buttons for URL and search strings. - Added balance between URL and search groups (balance appears on mouse hover). - Reworked history popup in completion mode, so that the typed text is shown (as bold/underline) in the matching entries in the list. - Added "Open all bookmarks" entry for quicklinks folder items. - Added SOURCE/S argument to OPEN REXX command to open current browser source view. - Added %p placeholder for contextmenu and mimetype actions, referring to OWB REXX port name. - In download manager, hilight tab title instead of switching page, when a new event occurs. - Allow to restart a finished download too. - Changed options regarding session restoration at startup (always/ask/never). - Slight adjustments in cookie parsing (fixes MobileMe). - Don't show authorization window with uncomplete 401 responses. - Added more checks to know if a file can actually be resumed. - The form credentials saving system now allows to ignore some sites, by pressing "never" button, when asked if credentials should be saved. - Hid the password column in passwords window (it can be shown with contextmenu over list header). - Selecting an entry in the contextmenu of back/forward buttons no longer modifies the back/forward list. - Don't focus to URL string anymore if a window was not manually opened. - Don't render cairo surfaces for active browser when the program is iconified. - Disable gzip on-the-fly decompression when downloading, since it seems to create some confusion. - Favicon database was active even if favicons were disabled. - Minor fixes in bookmark/quicklink handling. - Fixed an encoding issue with the site titles in history database. - Fixed an issue with middlebutton handling when sidepanels are enabled. - Fixed a possible race in private static objects instanciation in WebKit (actually it's a gcc "bug"). - Removed the lame googlemap bug workaround and integrated the proper fix from WebKit. - Changed some options defaults: history popup, network thread, experimental cookies and favicons are now enabled by default. IMPORTANT: if you're using experimental cookies (which I strongly suggest), make sure to delete previous conf/cookieDatabase.db, since some OWB generic fixes affected it, else you might encounter non-functional logins or similar bogus behaviour. ############################################################################## - 16.12.2009: OWB 1.6 hotfix - Enabled WebInspector (Firebug-like). WebInspector allows browsing resources/scripts, profiling, debugging... It can be enabled with: "setenv OWB_ENABLE_INSPECTOR 1". When enabled, a new "inspect element" entry is added to webview contextmenus. Here's what it looks like: http://fabportnawak.free.fr/inspector.png - Avoid conflicts between regular context menus and javascript contextmenus. - Updated russian, swedish and czech locales. - Added a lame workaround in javascript interpreter that caused regressions in google maps. - Fixed a possible crash with priority popups in MLdonkey HTML interface. ############################################################################## - 11.12.2009: OWB 1.6 - Updated to OWB SVN r1158. - Added a GUI for content blocking (windows->content blocking). Regular expressions are accepted, and entries can either be white or blacklisted. - Added "Block images from <linked domain>" context menu item for pictures. - Save and restore the list of downloaded/finished/failed files (optional). - Sessions now also restore scroll offset in pages. - Added support for external transfer animations: + PROGDIR:resource/transferanim.png and PROGDIR:resource/transferanim_tab.png will be used if they exist. + The expect format is a 32bits PNG with square frames (horizontal layout). The rate is set to 30ms per frame. - Enabled user stylesheet. PROGDIR:resource/userStyleSheet.css will be used if it exists. This user stylesheet allows changing default form controls look, for instance (amongst many other things). - Reworked history popup list to show favicons (optionally), title and url on 2 lines. - Reworked network activity window to show a more precise state (connecting/waiting/current progress). - Network activity leds now show different colours depending on connection state. - Added favicons settings to configure the categories favicons should be displayed in (tabs/history/bookmarks/...). - Added a few more tweaks in mimetype system to fallback to download action if no proper mimetype is sent (or configured). - Added BACK and FORWARD REXX commands. - Added GETURL to retrieve active browser URL (stored in RESULT). - Added AS/K option to SAVEURL REXX command, to choose the target file path. - Added more up-to-date user agents in spoof settings. - Don't change active tab after closing an inactive tab. - Bookmark groups can now also be added to quicklinks. In that case, a popup menu will display group entries. - Allowed editing builtin mimetypes attributes, such as text/html and co (but think twice when modifying them, of course). - Middle clicking an entry in history or bookmark now opens the link in a new tab. - "Copy Image" context menu item now copies the actual image content to clipboard, instead of its URL. - Many fixes in the new cookie system (thanks sszymczy). - Fixed some left mouse button event issue that could cause trouble on googledocs or fckeditor toolbars (thx sszymczy). - Fixed a focus issue with frames. - Fixed a potential race in WebKit with plugins and stream disposal. - Fixed ftp:// listings so that they are browsable. - Fixed the "rewind" error message that could occur during file upload in some cases. - Fixed Acid3 test 97. - Fixed "Paste" to work in rich text editors (such as googledocs). - Fixed a bug with "Cut" function. Translators: please update your translations, i'll supply the locale archive separately. There's a known regression since r1106 (or so): maps.google.* is kinda broken (some options/buttons don't have any effect). It's a generic issue in WebKit when JIT is disabled, and it was reported to their bugtracker. I'll update a fixed version when it's fixed. ############################################################################## - 17.10.2009: OWB 1.5 - Updated to OWB SVN r1092. - Updated to Curl 7.19.6. - Added Locale support: get to work, translators. :) - Made webview links, quicklinks and bookmark entries draggable. - Made webview, tabs, "new tab" button, "add to bookmark" button, quicklink group, URL string and bookmark window droppable. - Implemented (optional) Favicon support. They are displayed in tabs, history panel, bookmark, bookmark panel and quicklinks. - Added save/restore session menu entries in project menu. - Made restore session requester at startup optional. - Added password manager for auth and forms (for forms, enable "save form credentials" in options). - Moved the experimental cookie system ENV var option to "settings/network" settings. - Added cookie manager (designed to work with experimental cookie system). - Added common user agents in "settings/network" (OWB_USER_AGENT env var still overrides if you set it). - Added "Ignore SSL Errors" and certificate path to "settings/security". - Added application/force-download and application/octet-stream to the default mimetype list. - Allows file download in "READWRITE" mode (which allows previewing during download). - Added history sidepanel. - Made bookmark sidepanel update faster. - Added "History" pulldown menu with recently visited entries and recently closed tabs submenu. - Added REXX command: "ADDBOOKMARK TITLE/A,URL/A,ALIAS/K,MENU/S,QUICKLINK/S". - Focus to progress/done/error tab in download window when related events occur. - Setting file comment doesn't fail anymore if the URL length is > 79 characters. - Download window wouldn't autoclose anymore if a download requester had been previously cancelled. - Fixed "417" HTTP code response. Should fix mail sending with imp.free.fr, for instance. - Fixed a memory leak with history handling. - Fixed date handling. - Take argument URL into account when restoring session at startup. - Fixed an illegal access issue and other bugs with the new OWB cookie system. - Added some memory checks in strategic places in WebKit to avoid crashing if there's not enough memory (but don't expect it to be bullet-proof anyway. WebKit is just not designed to handle properly low-memory cases). - Show a nice requester when Webkit decides to crash because it can't deal with failed memory allocations. Also free the whole heap memory in that case. ############################################################################## - 16.08.2009: OWB 1.4 - MorphOS 2.4 Release (NoSVG build) - Updated to OWB SVN r1015. - Implemented NPAPI plugin system. Plugins are implemented as shared libraries. They are loaded from PROGDIR:plugins/ directory. - New OWB cookie system is now available (it helps with gmail or hotmail, for instance). However, it's only available with "setenv OWB_EXPERIMENTAL_COOKIES 1" for now, since it's still considered as WIP in OWB main branch. - Mimetype system now also searches for defined filename extensions if an URL doesn't advertise any registered mimetype. ftp:// URL also automatically makes use of these extensions bindings, since that's the only way to make a decision for this scheme. - Mimetype list (preferences) is now sorted. - Added backspace and alt+cursor navigation/scrolling keys. - Fixed http://login:pass()host authentication method which was broken in 1.3. - Escape filename in the mimetype "ask action" requester. - Fixed an excessive VMEM consumption introduced in 1.3. - Updated libxslt, which fixes a deadly crash in some XML/XPATH pages (for instance OpenGL SDK). - A requester asking for HTTP: volume would sometimes appear at download completion. Fixed. ############################################################################## - 07.06.2009: OWB 1.3 - Updated to OWB SVN r994. - Network can now optionally run in a dedicated thread. Just for information, CURL network backend has always been asynchronous, but some specific parts can unfortunately block depending on the network link (e.g dns resolution), hence the need for a dedicated thread. - Improved CURL buffer management to cope more easily with higher download speeds. - Added resume support to download manager. - Display more information in download overwrite/resume requester (local/remote file dates and sizes). - Added failure reason column in download manager 'Failed' tab. - Added URL column in download manager. - Added a gauge for each entry in download manager. - Added a retry button for failed downloads. - Download speed is now measured as an "instant" value (before, it was computed as an average since the download start). - Added a confirmation requester if POST data is about to be resent (should avoid duplicated messages on fora, for instance). - Added content blocking based on 'adblockplus' (optional). See conf/blocked.prefs (it will be made configurable from settings/contextmenu later). - Bookmark tree can now be shown as a side panel. - Reworked refresh method (behaves better and faster with 2dlayers when moving windows over browser area). - Added mimetype configuration: for each mimetype, "view", "download", "external command" and "ask" actions are available. - Added configurable contextual menus for link, page and image objects, which can now be extended with user actions. - Added session saving/restoration (optional). F9 and F10 keys also respectively allow to manually select a session file to restore from/save to. - Added "Load in New Background Tab" contextmenu item (which was already available before by pressing MMB). - Added HTML (embedded) error reporting mode. Requester and HTML modes can be selected from settings. - Quit requester is now optional. - Added "Paste to URL" menu entry. - More work on PDF export (saves the whole site into a page-based document, with or without backgrounds depending on settings). - Added drag'n'drop support to browser window (each dropped file creates a new tab). - Added mailto: support (through OpenURL). - Added javascript: scheme support from URL string. - Space key now also scrolls page down. - New bookmark entries are also added to pulldown menu by default. - asyncio.library is now used for file input/output. - Added BACKGROUND switch to "Open" ARexx command (only relevant when used with NEWPAGE). - Fixed SAVEURL ARexx command 'quiet' mode. - Removed a 256 characters limit with bookmark entries. - Changed widgets default colours to give more contrast. - Added htm/php extensions for local browsing. - Fixed an issue with duplicated entries in network window when using several windows. - Fixed an issue with file upload (full path could be sent instead of just the file name). - Moved history.db and cookieCollection.txt to conf/ directory (move your old ones there, sorry for that :)). ############################################################################## - 12.04.2009: OWB 1.2 - Updated to OWB SVN r884 (08.03.2009). - Updated to Curl 7.19.3. - Substancially increased scrolling speed in some cases. - Reduced a lot CPU usage in some cases (i.e MorphZone forum when replying). - Added authentication window (not all protocols are handled yet). - Added history loading/saving with max age/max entries settings. - Added support for visited links marking. - Added URL completion: string and/or popup completion modes are available (and optional). - Added console window (displaying JavaScript error messages amongst others). - Added "Save as HTML" menu entry. - Added cache model and page cache settings. - Added "New Tab" button. - Added context menu actions to tab titles. - Added context menu in downloaded entries list to open file/directory with Ambient. - Added loading transfer anim in tabs (optional). - Added "SAVEURL URL/A" rexx command (downloads passed URL to download directory). - Allow Euro symbol input in forms. - Send "Accept-Language" http header set with system preferred languages. - Implemented JavaScript prompt request. - Enabled "Resizable TextArea" webkit option. - Made tab-cycling work properly for the whole browser window (it was only working inside the page content before). - Remember last opened file path during session. - Began implementing plugin interface (nothing to see yet, except plugin placeholder). - Unescape downloaded file names. - Protected tab and status labels against MUI escape-sequences abuses. - URL filecomment wasn't written correctly when downloading to a SFS partition. - Bookmarks menuitems are now updated in realtime too. - QuickLink group reworked and (hopefully) fixed for pre-2.x MUI versions. It also offers more layout options. - Don't move downloaded entry to finished tab in case current size is greater than advertised file size (which can happen with on-the-fly gzip unpacking). - Fixed some issues with window/tab titles sometimes showing wrong label. - Cosmetics here and there in the GUI. - Use shared jpeg and png libraries. ############################################################################## - 21.02.2009: OWB 1.1 - Updated to 12.02.2009 SVN (GaleKing). It at least fixes gifanims, amongst many other things. - Updated to Cairo 1.8.6 and pixman 0.14.0 (altivec enabled for MorphOS 2.x). - Updated to Curl 7.19.2: it *seems* to be more robust and slightly faster. - Added libICU support (which makes codepage actually work). - Convert UTF8 to local charset in tab/window/status labels (MorphOS 2.x). - Added persistant cookies saving. - Added confirmation request when quitting. - Navigation buttons can be displayed as text/text&image/image. - Added history feature in back and forward buttons contextmenus. - Reworked quicklink edition in bookmark window. Their look and layout is now configurable and their edition is done in realtime (thanks Poly :)). - Cosmetics in bookmark window. - Added download speed in download window. - Cosmetics in download window. - Fixed a refresh issue in tabs. - Middlebutton doubleclick now creates a new tab in background. - Contextual cursors support (MorphOS 2.x only). - Display filename in upload file forms. - Added support for Javascript confirm alert and Javascript window.close(). - Added network activity leds. - Added network connection manager window. - Added a feedback requester for connection failures (connection refused, unknown hostname, ...) - Added more settings (fonts families, interface settings, maximum active connections, javascript, ...) - Added PDF export option (just an unfinished experiment for now, only first page will be saved correctly). - Added a splash window during fontconfig cache generation. - Fixed deadkeys input (i.e for typing ц, ь,... characters with some keymaps). - Fixed a crash when directly closing a tab that hadn't been shown yet. - Fixed a bug in fontconfig. Only first font directory would be scanned (it also means font cache will be regenerated with this version). ############################################################################## - 01.02.2009: OWB 1.0 First public release. Contact ------- If you have any suggestion or bug to report, please contact me at: fabien.coeurjoly()wanadoo.fr But please, don't flood me. I'm quite aware of what's missing already. :) For AmigaOS4 port, please contact at: kas1e()yandex.ru
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