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 Readme for:  Utility » Archive » afa-viewer.lha


Description: Browse AmigaFuture Archive-DVD
Download: afa-viewer.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 4Mb
Version: 1.34
Date: 13 Mar 2025
Author: A. Pankalla
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Homepage: https://www.amigafuture.de/
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.1
Category: utility/archive
Replaces: utility/archive/afa-viewer.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 13226
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 38  (Current version)
148  (Accumulated)
Votes: 3 (1/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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AFA-Viewer 1.34

With the AFA-Viewer you can use the AmigaFuture Archive-DVD in a very effective
and easy way.
Find the item which you are searching for very fast and then you must only make
a double click on the the right line to read 
it immediately.
The AFA-Viewer is easy to use and the help-bubbles show you the correct way to
use the tool.
With this release, the databases for the german and english issues are
automatically updated, if you have wget installed.
See the description of the tooltypes!

You need AmigaOS 4.1 or newer.
Much fun with it...
Achim Pankalla

The path where the data are saved, for example CD0:

The path and the name of the used PDF-viewer, normaly the AmiPDF.

The option of the used pdf-viewer which must set to jump in a pdf-file to a
given page.  AmiPDF uses the option "page".

The path to the curl utility, which you can download from aminet or os4depot.
also the Odyssey installation has it in the subdirectory datas.
The standard setting is C:

With the setting "True" the Amiga Future website  search for reports that are
not yet on the DVD  but have already been published (This makes Andreas always
when an AF issue is sold out). It a Launch Handler window appears, in which you
can then  select the Browser. 
At the moment it only works with Odyssey  with the Prefs/URL settings/HTTPS and
the Command line format "*"https://%s*" "False" turns this function off, or you
put a bracket to the entry (UseNET=True).

This is the setting at which the AFA viewer window is opened  from the position
from the left edge. 0 = Far left.

This is the setting at which the AFA viewer window is opened from the position
from the upper edge. 0 = Topmost.

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