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 Readme for:  Utility » Archive » lharchiver.lha


Description: Create LhA archives intuitively
Download: lharchiver.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Version: 1.13
Date: 15 Feb 2025
Author: Bernd Assenmacher
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Requirements: LhA, reqtools.library V39+ (optional)
Category: utility/archive
Replaces: utility/archive/lharchiver.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 13197
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 41  (Current version)
527  (Accumulated)
Votes: 13 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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This little tool aims to create lha archives intuitively, easy and fast.

See the guide file for details. :-)

Happy archiving...

History :

1st April 2022 --- V1.0 - initial release

15th May 2022  --- V1.1 - improved version
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.1
- centred requesters (as accurately as I could ;-))
- gave a default name of "file" for a lha file for creating/modifying (editable)
- added requesters when the choice of drawers conflicted with the given inputs
- mapped the drives "Workbench:" and "System:" to "sys:"
- set source drawer to default "sys:"
- set destination drawer to default "ram:"
- fixed some minor quirks

29th May 2022 --- V1.2 - improved version (again ;-))
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.2
- added "alarm" beep/flash when conflicting values entered in requesters
- added possible free registration
- CONsole output for AmigaOS4.x now works
- changed some code to optimise things
- you may donate now ;-)
- added installer script

28th June 2022 --- V1.3  -  improvement continues ...
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.3
- now maps the name of the system drive as "sys:" 
  (no longer needs to be "Workbench" or "System")
- improved CONsole output
- now possible to configure a console window via tooltypes (position and size)
- fixed assign issue that allowed writing of an archive in the source folder
- now catches incorrectly entered values in requesters (stops program crashes)
- entering ".lha" at the end of an archive filename is no longer possible
- optimised requester code
- changed information windows to offer a system standard appearance
- program checks to ensure there is enough space on a chosen destination drive
- small changes to installer script

13th August 2022 --- V1.4  -  next steps
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.4
- english guide file enhanced
- added German and French language
  (depends on adjusted system language in Preferences)
  Default stays English when another language is chosen than the supported
- added german guide file
4th September 2022 --- V1.5  -  the journey is the destination
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.5
- Selection buttons adapted to languages
- added italian language
- added italian guide file
- added tooltype to approach the RAM situation. 
  (if activated the RAM disk will not be checked for enough space available.
  So users which have shown their RAM disk as 100% full nevertheless
  can create archives there. Be informed that in case of not having enough 
  space available there the process will fail. To activate just remove the
  parentheses around the "Ram=1" tooltype and save it to the icon.
  The value "1" must not be changed)
- installer script now creates a subdrawer called "LHArchiver" and copys the
  files to that drawer

22nd December 2022 --- V1.6  -  enhancement strikes again
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.6
- changed progress indicator to show percentage on console output
- lha arguments/options slighly changed for better handling 
- removed requester for lha extension warning.
  Its now handled through lha itself completely to add *.lha extension.
  So if *.lha is entered in the filerequester it is just taken.
- added possibility to archive a whole drive through tooltype setting
  (archive_drive=1). To do so just remove the parentheses around the
  "archive_drive" tooltype and save it to the icon. The value "1" must not
  be changed. Be informed that most Amiga filesystems can only handle a 
  filesize of max 2 GB (MorphOS can do 4GB max with the inbuild SFS). So be
  sure to use a filesystem on the destination drive which can handle more if
  your LHA archive grows bigger than that (e.g.Ice-FS). In generell it is not
  recommended to create archives >2GB. During my tests I realized that LHA
  itself has problems when adding files to an existing archive and it grows
  bigger than 2GB. Older archiving tools could have problems with archives >2GB
  too. If you activate archiving of drives it is also recommended to activate
  the "H2/lh6" tooltype. (see next lines)
- added tooltype to activate H2 and lh6 options. To do so just remove the
  parentheses around the "H2/lh6" tooltype and save it to the icon.  
  The value "1" must not be changed. This should solve problems with longer
  filenames (H2-> header Level 2) and activates the newer and better
  lh6 compression (see lha manual). If you do not activate this header level 1
  and lh5 compression is used.

23rd December 2022 --- V1.7  -  fast fix
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.7
- fixed an issue which caused AmigaOS3.x and AmigaOS4.x to open a second
  (empty) console window (thanks Nikos :-))

24th January 2023 --- V1.8  -  further steps
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.8
- added tooltype "(REQUIREPLUGINS=PLANANARAMA)" to the "LHArchiver_OS3" icon.
  This tooltype activates the plananarama plugin when removing the parentheses
  around and it is then saved to the icon. The Plananarama plugin has to be
  installed on the system before. You can find it on Aminet here :
  or on the Hollywood Project website.
  In particular you need the file : "plananarama.hwp" in "Libs:hollywood"
  This is only for AmigaOS3.x systems without graphics cards since LHArchiver
  was only running on systems with graphics cards.
- added LHArchive as Hollywood applet "LHArchiver.hwa"
  for use with Hollywood player (v9.1 min.). Be informed that tooltypes will not
  work here.
- improved icon handling. The name of the binary and its icon can be changed
  to "LHArchiver" only or just left as it is with the OS specification.

1st May 2023 --- V1.9  -  additions
changes :

- updated to new version number 1.9
- added tooltype "(sfx=1)". This tooltype activates the creation of self
  archives with the extension ".run". To do so just remove the parentheses
  the tooltype and save it to the icon. The value "1" must not be changed.
  If this is used the "H2/lh6" tooltype will not work even it is set, because
  works only with "lh5" compression and on AmigaOS3/4 with Header 0. LHArchiver 
  will do the necessary settings automatically if it is activated which means
  on MorphOS lha operates with Header 1 and lh5 compression and on AmigaOS3/4 it
  will create the archive with Header 0 and lh5 compression.
  The tool "LhASfx" has to be copied to "sys:c".
  Explanation: On AmigaOS3/4 there is obviously a limitation/bug with "LhASfx"
  "LhA"(V2.15). If a selfextracting archive is created there one should not
  any drawers containing files into the archive unless header 0 is used.
  the selfextract process of the ".run" archive will fail with an error
  (archive corrupted) or drawers (and files in it) are missing.
  It is recommended (on AmigaOS3/4) not to archive files with too long filenames
  when "sfx=1" is used, because that could cause problems due to the limitations
  header 0. On MorphOS it should be better with header 1, but it has limitations
  there too.  
- improved icon handling again. The name of the binary (and its icon) can be
  now : "LHArchiver" or just left as it is with the OS specification or 
  "LHArchiver.hwa". So the tooltypes of the applet will work now too. :-)
  Be aware that only one (icon) of them should be in the drawer you start
  LHArchiver from or it could be confused from which icon to take the tooltypes.

14th May 2023 --- V1.10  -  tuning

- updated to new version number 1.10
- added greek language
- added spanish language
- added tooltypes "FileReqX" and FileReqY"
  With those tooltypes one can adjust the window position from the file
  requester. This works relativ to its initial position. To activate it the
  parentheses need to be removed and the value has to be set. When
  saved to the icon it will move the requester window as set next time
  LHArchiver is launched.
  e.g. :
  "FileReqX=-200" will move it 200 pixels to the left and
  "FileReqX=200"  will move it 200 pixels to the right.
  "FileReqY=-200 will move it 200 pixels up and
  "FileReqY=200" will move it 200 pixels down.
This should only be used to finetune the position of the requester and is
dependant on the used resolution of the screen.

28th May 2023 --- V1.11 - fixing


- updated to new version number 1.11
- updated languages
- now checking if LHA is installed on AmigaOS3.x
- now checking if LhASfx is installed when sfx tooltype is activated
- fixed guide issue so that older versions of multiview should work now
  (Thanks to Nuno Costa ;-))

24th December 2024 --- V1.12 - small corrections


- improved handling naming archives in conjunction with .lha extension
- removed applet from archive

9th February 2025 --- V1.13 - further additions


- added tooltype "rootdir"
  If activated the root (source) drawer is taken inside the archive too
- compiled WarpOS version


                   This readme file was made with Aminetreadmemaker from Thomas


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