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 Readme for:  Game » Fps » jfduke3d.lha


Description: JonoF's Duke Nukem 3D Port
Download: jfduke3d.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 119Mb
Version: R1
Date: 01 Dec 2024
Author: Jonathon Fowler, ported by Marek Glogowsky
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Homepage: https://github.com/jonof/jfduke3d
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.x
Category: game/fps
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 13115
Comments: 3
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 49  (Current version)
49  (Accumulated)
Votes: 1 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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JonoF's Duke Nukem 3D Port
by Jonathon Fowler, with contributions by Ken Silverman and others

 * First Release: 17 April 2003
 * Email: jf()jonof.id.au
 * Website: http://www.jonof.id.au/jfduke3d
 * Source code: https://github.com/jonof/jfduke3d

This is the source code for my port of [3D Realms' Duke Nukem
3D](http://legacy.3drealms.com/duke3d/index.html) using [my port of
Ken Silverman's Build game engine](https://github.com/jonof/jfbuild).

Minimum system requirements

* 32 or 64-bit CPU. These have been tried first-hand:
  * Intel x86, x86_64
  * PowerPC 32-bit (big-endian)
  * ARM 32-bit hard-float, 64-bit
* A modern operating system:
  * Linux, BSD, possibly other systems supported by [SDL
  * macOS 10.9+
  * Windows Vista, 7, 8/10+
  * AmigaOS 4.1
* Optional: 3D acceleration with OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 capable hardware.

You will require game data from an original release of Duke Nukem 3D. Refer to
documentation on my website](https://www.jonof.id.au/jfduke3d/readme.html) on
releases are suitable and where to locate their game files.


Before you begin, clone this repository or unpack the source archive. If you
cloned using
Git, be sure to initialise the submodules of this repository (i.e. `git
submodule update --init`).

Now, based on your chosen OS and compiler:

### Linux and BSD

1. Install the compiler toolchain and SDL2 development packages, e.g.
   * Debian 9: `sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev`
   * FreeBSD 11: `sudo pkg install gmake sdl2 pkgconf`
2. Install optional sound support development packages.
   * Debian 9: `sudo apt-get install libvorbis-dev libfluidsynth-dev`
   * FreeBSD 11: `sudo pkg install libvorbis fluidsynth`
3. Install GTK+ 3 development packages if you want launch windows and editor
file choosers, e.g.
   * Debian 9: `sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev`
   * FreeBSD 11: `sudo pkg install gtk3`
4. Open a terminal, change into the source code directory, and compile the game
with: `make` or `gmake` (BSD)
5. Assuming that was successful, run the game with: `./duke3d`

### macOS

1. [Install Xcode from the Mac App
2. Fetch and install the SDL 2.0 development package:
   1. Fetch _SDL2-2.0.x.dmg_ from http://libsdl.org/download-2.0.php.
   2. Copy _SDL2.framework_ found in the DMG file to `~/Library/Frameworks`.
Create the
      _Frameworks_ directory if it doesn't exist on your system.
3. Open _duke3d.xcodeproj_ from within the JFDuke3D source code's _xcode_
4. From the Product menu choose Run.

### Windows using Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (or newer) and NMAKE

1. If needed, [install Visual Studio Community 2017 for free from
   Terms and conditions apply. Install at minimum these components:
   * VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset for desktop (x86,x64)
   * Windows Universal CRT SDK
   * Windows 8.1 SDK
2. Open the command-line build prompt. e.g. _VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command
   or _VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt_.
3. Change into the JFDuke3D source code folder, then compile the game with:
`nmake /f Makefile.msvc`
5. Assuming success, run the game with: `duke3d`

Compilation options

Some engine features may be enabled or disabled at compile time. These can be
to the MAKE tool, or written to a Makefile.user (Makefile.msvcuser for MSVC)
file in
the source directory.

These options are available:

 * `RELEASE=1` – build with optimisations for release.
 * `RELEASE=0` – build for debugging.
 * `USE_POLYMOST=1` – enable the true 3D renderer.
 * `USE_POLYMOST=0` – disable the true 3D renderer.
 * `USE_OPENGL=1` – enable use of OpenGL 2.0 acceleration.
 * `USE_OPENGL=USE_GL2` – enable use of OpenGL 2.0 acceleration.
(GCC/clang syntax.)
 * `USE_OPENGL=USE_GLES2` – enable use of OpenGL ES 2.0 acceleration.
(GCC/clang syntax.)
 * `USE_OPENGL=0` – disable use of OpenGL acceleration.
 * `WITHOUT_GTK=1` – disable use of GTK+ to provide launch windows and
load/save file choosers.


1. You should exercise caution if you choose to use multiplayer features over
   untrustworthy networks with untrustworthy players.
2. 3D Realms and Apogee do not support this port. Contact me instead.


Jonathon Fowler

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