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 Readme for:  Network » Misc » netspeedometer.lha


Description: A network monitor and bandwidth meter
Download: netspeedometer.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 207kb
Version: 53.5
Date: 11 Sep 2015
Author: Massimiliano Scarano
Submitter: Massimiliano Scarano
Email: mscarano/libero it
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1
Category: network/misc
Replaces: network/misc/netspeedometer.lha
License: BSD
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 9471
Comments: 11
Snapshots: 5
Videos: 0
Downloads: 635  (Current version)
2308  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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  NetSpeedometer is a network monitor and bandwidth meter.
  The application is suitable for monitoring the speed of your internet
  It can be used also for benchmarks.

  Internet service providers can' t cheat us anymore ;)
  Let' s compare speed results on AmigaWorld.net

  - AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 running on PowerPC based computers
  - Operational network (TCP/IP stack up and running)
  - A minimum of 1 network interface available and configured

  - Workbench application with GUI (ReAction)
  - For a selected network interface it displays:
    - various helpful status info
    - number of received / sent bytes
    - download / upload speed
    - max download / upload speed
  - All info updated every 1 second
  - Tested OK with MemGuard and Sashimi
  - Written in C language from scratch, source code supplied

  - Version 52.0 released 15-Apr-2012, first public release

  - Version 52.1 released 20-May-2012:
    * added Workbench drawer and application icons by Frank Ruthe
      special thanks to
      Bal Xavier
      Herran Martin Juan Carlos
      Martin Merz
      who sent artwork contributions for Workbench icons
    * few minor changes

  - Version 52.2 released 29-Sep-2012:
    * added display of Default Gateway
    * added a popupmenu for window management
    * few minor changes

  - Version 52.3 released 17-Oct-2012:
    * fixed documentation:
      now it properly states AmigaOS 4.1 is required
    * added a window fading effect:
      this needs a layer compositing-enabled hicolor or truecolor screen
    * replaced 2 string gadgets with 2 fuelgauge (tab Bandwidth):
      the maximum value of each gauge is set to the highest known value
    * few minor changes and improvements

  - Version 53.0 released 20-Nov-2012:
    * added application logo by Frank Ruthe
    * added PayPal Donate button
    * few minor changes and improvements

  - Version 53.1 released 03-Dec-2012:
    * fixed opening of ReAction GUI classes:
      this, given certain conditions (OS just started), could result in a broken
      now it works as designed
    * few minor changes and improvements

  - Version 53.2 released 18-Apr-2013:
    * added a stack cookie
    * fixed documentation:
      now it properly states AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 is required
    * few minor changes and GUI refinements

  - Version 53.3 released 14-May-2013:
    * added display of MAC address (Misc tab)
    * added display of Connection rank (Bandwidth tab)
    * brand new application logo
    * GUI refinements
    * few minor changes

  - Version 53.4 released 19-Jan-2014:
    * added "Jump to screen" option,
      this requires AmigaOS 4.1 Update 3 or it is ignored,
      thanks to Joel Edberg
    * added display of DNSs (Status tab), thanks to Steven Solie
    * few minor changes

  - Version 53.5 released 11-Sep-2015:
    * thanks to Carl Mohlin carl.mohlin()gmx.com for his support
    * changed Connection rank to more modern values (Bandwidth tab)
    * changed "Transmission speed (bits/s):" to "Link speed (Mbit/s):" (Misc
    * added display of MTU (maximum transmission unit) size (Misc tab)

  Massimiliano Scarano
  E-mail: mscarano()libero.it

  Amiga hacker since 1990.

  - Projects for AmigaOS 4.x
similiano+Scarano ]
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    [ http://aminet.net/search?readme=scarano&sort=date&ord=DESC ]
  - Google Map of Amiga
om=7 ]

  Graphics (Workbench drawer and application icons, application logo) courtesy
  Frank Ruthe www.ruthe.info

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