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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DirectoryOpus 4.18.44 (08/01/2015) OS4 Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/diropus4/ Updates available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/diropus4/files This is a minor update of DirectoryOpus4 for OS4. Please retain any previous installation of DirectoryOpus4 until you are sure you have no serious problems with this release. IMPORTANT: The language catalogs and helpfiles have not been well tested. If they cause problems please use the builtin-english catalog and the English help file. Translation files are included if you would like to improve the current catalogs. INSTALLATION: Just drag the DirectoryOpus drawer to the location of your choice, open the drawer and doubleclick the program icon. If you have run a previous version of DirectoryOpus, you may need to reboot before trying this version. Be sure that you don't have a previous version of dopus.library installed or running from a different location on your hard-disk. This version will not work properly with previous versions of the library or language catalogs. CONFIGURATION: This release includes an example configuration file which can be deleted or renamed if you want to use the builtin configuration or your own custom configuration. However, if your configuration does not open DirectoryOpus on it's own screen you should read and change the included DopusWBStartup script. WBSTARTUP: This release includes a WBStartup script and icon which requires the included example configuration file or a user configuration that opens DirectoryOpus on it's own screen. Please read the script for other WBStartup options. Refer to the changelogs in the History directory for more information about changes to individual DirectoryOpus4 components. Please report serious bugs or problems at the Opus4 YahooGroups email list. Include the version number in any reports. Changes in this release (4.18.44) include: *Fixed directory sizes displayed in a lister when searching for a filename (or pattern) in multiple directories with the hunt command. *Fixed a hunt command failure to highlight the found file when the file was located in a subdirectory of the directory being searched. When the user selected the OK button in the "Shall I go there?" requester, the hunt command would display a requester stating that the file was not found but then load the directory where the file was located. *Fixed a crash in the Dopus4 text viewer. If Dopus4 was on the Workbench screen and the text viewer was open when the user quit the Dopus4 program, the viewer would crash (Grim Reaper). *Fixed a bug in Dopus_Print that prevented updating of the output filename in the requester. *Changed makefiles to create 'stabs' debug binaries and improve compiler output readability. All Dopus4 components will now display specific function information in a stack trace if there is a failure when running debug binaries. *Replaced all internal string functions and unbounded 'C' library string functions with size limited 'C' library string functions to eliminate possible buffer overflows. *Replaced all deprecated memory allocation functions with new OS4 memory allocation functions. *Replaced all deprecated message related functions with new OS4 functions. *Fixed all compiler warnings to make it easier to spot new warnings. * Added a missing Tooltype to the DirectoryOpus icon. *Changed the copyright data in about window. *Updated copyright data in english DirectoryOpus.guide. *Updated history files. *********************************************************************** Changes in release 4.18.43 include: *Fixed removal of wrong file from destination lister when doing a copyas from an archive (previous fix broken by recent changes). *Fixed copying of directories from an archive when a directory with the same name exists in the destination lister. *Fixed dopus.library version string. *Replaced some deprecated functions with correct OS4 functions. *Updated history files. *********************************************************************** Changes in release 4.18.42 include: DirectoryOpus: *Consolidated all iff definitions & eliminated duplicated definitions. *Added missing pragma pack directives to all header files. *Updated the application library interface opening to version 2 for the current OS4 SDK includes. *Fixed a problem with filetype failures when double-clicking a file. *Improved the config file included in the distribution archive. *Updated History files. Dopus_Print: *Replaced string functions with size bounded string functions to avoid buffer overflows. *Replaced deprecated functions with new OS4 functions. *Added file/path size definitions in the library header file for consistant declarations in future updates. *Changed file/path buffer sizes to those defined in the library header file. *Created some string length definitions for consistancy. *********************************************************************** Changes in release 4.18.41 include: *Added missing arguments check in DopusRT to prevent a crash if DopusRT is started with no arguments. *Fixed access of freed memory when closing an asynchronous Read window. Fixed several potential memory leaks. *Added signal notification to asynchronous Read windows when quitting Dopus4 or returning with changes from ConfigOpus. Previously the asynchronous Read windows could be forcibly closed at users request and leave Read processes running with no window. *Fixed launching of asynchrouous Read processes and added checks for Ctrl-C to shut down those processes. *Fixed reopening of Dopus4 on front screen when returning from ConfigOpus changes if Dopus4 was initially started with "BEHINDWB" TOOLTYPE or "-B" CLI argument. *Eliminated a crash in the Dopus4 ANSIRead command. *Changed the "close foreign windows" requester to open on the Dopus4 screen when quitting Dopus4 from it's own screen. *Fixed copying of directories form archives opened in a lister. *Fixed some failures to unlock public screens after failed memory allocations or file access. *Updated "alien windows" requester text to match previously updated requester actions. *Added Czech catalogs and French catalog. Updated all catalogs. Program catalog definition file and translation files updated. *Changed "Hidden" bit in Protect requester to "Hold" bit for OS4. Eliminated hidden bit setting in ConfigOpus which activated hiding of files with the H bit set. The H bit is actually a hold bit in OS4 and indicates to AmigaDOS that the file should be added to the resident list if the P (pure) bit is also set. *Added popupmenu & xadmaster header files to sources so others can compile Dopus4 without hunting for missing includes. *Updated history files. *********************************************************************** Changes in release 4.18.40 include: *Fixed infinite recursion that occurred if the user tried to copy or move a directory into one of it's sub-directories. *Added 'real' replace option (activated with new Tooltype REPLACEDIRS) when copying a directory and a destination directory with the same name already exists. As before, Dopus4 merges the 2 directories if the Tooltype isn't set. Shell argument -r is the equivalent of REPLACEDIRS Tooltype for WorkBench. *Fixed the Rename command so it no longer hides the destination file if the source filename had to be renamed a second time because a filename already exists in the destination. *Switched to a large global copy buffer to speed up large file copies and eliminate unnecessary memory fragmentation. *Fixed crash that occurred when Dopus4 was deiconified to a closed public screen. Dopus4 will now open on Workbench when deiconified if the screen it was iconified from has been closed. *Changed quit procedure (shutdown) to retry guest window check instead of closing guest windows and leaving them in a permanent wait state. *Fixed directory datestamp, protection & comment by adding a requester to choose between applying the change to the directory and all it's contents or just the directory itself. Previously, all files in the directory were changed which may not be what a user would expect. *Eliminated extra DOS requester when attempting to copy a directory to a copy-protected device. *Removed file deletion in copy operations that caused destination file loss if source file was read protected. *Fixed failures in some ARexx commands (like "status 13 0 set") caused by case-sensitive string comparisons. *Fixed a silent copy that could occur after a file move failed or was cancelled. *Added a requester for copying a directory to an existing directory. *Fixed encrypting a file from an archive. *Added new functions to fix copying to multi-assign directories. Dopus was incorrectly detecting existing files in a primary assignment because they existed in a secondary assignment. *Added new checks for file copy/move completion to avoid deleting files without replacing them as selected by the user. *Eliminated problems when copying files from archives displayed in a Dopus lister. *Changed most requesters to OS4 style requesters with purpose identifier images and standardized appearance. *Fixed error reporting for Makelink command. It was reporting same error for all failures. *********************************************************************** Changes in release 4.18.38 include: *Since DirectoryOpus4 copies linked files instead of reproducing links in a 'copy' operation, the destination lister display has been fixed to display the copied files correctly. *Moving a directory link no longer removes the files from the linked directory. Only the link is removed after the move. *Hard links are now display as links (underlined) instead of normal files. *The 'makelink' command was fixed and can now create relative or absolute soft links. The makelink requester defaults to soft links since hard links currently only work on FFS partitions. *Hex search was fixed to work as documented in the DirectoryOpus guide. *Fixed 'rename' crash that could occur as a result of increasing the internal default filename length. *Added setting of protection bits when extracting an archive. *Main window changed to NOT open active and take the focus if DirectoryOpus is opened behind Workbench. *Fixed CLI argument parsing because DirectoryOpus was reading extra arguments which could conflict with the actual command line args. *Added setting of protection bits when extracting an archive. *Updated the DirectoryOpus.guide documentation. *Updated old language catalogs. *Added several options to the Dopus_Print module that might be useful for some printers. The new options are not contained in the docs but should be self explanatory. |
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