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 Readme for:  Utility » Shell » extraversion.lha


Description: Finds the extra version number (and VER string)
Download: extraversion.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 8kb
Version: 1.2.0b
Date: 02 Jan 2018
Author: Marko Seppänen / OpenAmiga.org
Submitter: Marko Seppänen
Homepage: http://www.m4rko.com/amiga
Requirements: AOS4
Category: utility/shell
Replaces: utility/shell/extraversion.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 10445
Comments: 5
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 230  (Current version)
418  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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ExtraVersion 1.2.0b

    EXTRAVERSION - Find the extra version string (non-Amiga version) and the
    common VER string.



    EXTRAVERSION finds the extra version number of a library,	command,
    script or simply any file where the extra version string has been has been
    correctly set.

    EXTRAVERSION with no <library|script|file> argument prints the name and
    extra version string.

    FULL  - Outputs name, extraversion, date and the comment in the extra
    version string (in the same line). 

    VSTRING - Outputs the complete extra version string (including $EXTVER:
    or $VER:).

    VER=VERSTAG - Finds the $VER: tag instead of $EXTVER:.
    VERIFY - Displays parsed-out/fetched information.

    To add an extra version string to your file, make sure that the file
    contains a string of characters that represent the extra version string.

    "\0$EXTVER: Program_Name ExtraVersionString (dd.mm.yyyy) Some comment.\0" 

    ProgramName    	    - Name of your program
    ExtraVersionString  - Any non-Amiga version string (tip: use _ for spaces)
    dd                  - Day of month (1-31)
    mm                  - Month of year (1-12)
    yyyy	            - Year using four digits
    comment	            - Optional comment, just for readability.


Version 1.2.0b: 2018 Jan
 - Added new switch VERIFY that displays parsed out information.
 - Omitted test code (unit tests) in the release executable, for smaller exe.
 - Trimmed leading and trailing white-spaces.

Version 1.1.0b: 2017 Dec
 - New switch/option VER and VERSTAG added, finds the $VER: cookie instead.
 - Fixed bug in returned ver/extver tag, one trailing whitespace where added
   when no comment.
 - Corrected the typo in various places to correct "ExtraVersion", thanks TSK.

Version 1.0.1b: 2017 Dec
 - Fixed a bug where no EXTVER tag could be found if the file ended right after
   the tag and was without a commment.
 - Fixed a bug where EXTVER failed to read a non-standard version number
   0.3-Alpha_3 and the like.

Version 1.0b: 2016 Feb
 - Large part of the command (pretty much the whole command) rewritten from
 - Test cases implemented (for internal debugging/testing).
 - More than 40 test files (for internal debugging/testing), testing both bad
   good extver tags.
 - Shold work on both textfiles and executables.
 - Compiled with the newly published SDK.

Version 0.4: Beta 1: 2014 May
 - Option HELP implemented.
 - Option FULL implemented.
 - Option VSTRING implemented.
 - Fixed bug, one (or some) extra trailing char got sometimes read into the
   ExtraVersion cookie.
 - Fixed bug, failed to find properly set extra version string in scripts
    and other text files.
 - Many other fixes and improvements.

Version 0.3: Alpha 3: 2014 May
 - Updated the ExtraVersion.doc.

OpenAmiga.org / Marko K. Seppänen

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