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 Readme for:  Utility » Workbench » capslock_cmd.lha


Description: Filtering CapsLock tapping
Download: capslock_cmd.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 125kb
Version: 1.4
Date: 29 Apr 2019
Author: Rene W. Olsen
Submitter: Rene W. Olsen
Email: renewolsen/gmail com
Homepage: http://www.rwo.dk
Category: utility/workbench
License: BSD
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 10876
Comments: 6
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 97  (Current version)
97  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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 C A P S L O C K

 Commodity program coded by René W. Olsen

 Project sponsored by Paul Sadlik

 Creative commons sounds kindly provided by Daniel Simion


 This small commodity came to life to filter those typos where you
 press Caps Lock key by accident.
 By using this utility, the caps lock state will only change if you
 double-tap the CAPSLOCK key.  This utility can also Beep/Blink or 
 play a sound on "Success" or "Failure" of changing the caps lock

 Installation & Usage
 Just copy the CapsLock directory wherever you would like to keep it.
 It contains a "Sounds" directory with a couple sample sounds.
 This commodity can most easily be added to your system by simply
 opening WBStartup Prefs and dragging'n'dropping the CapsLock program
 into it.  It will then be active everytime you boot.
 CapsLock can also be started by running it in the Workbench, adding
 it to your StartUp-Sequence or adding it to AmiDock.
 CapsLock uses your AmigaOS system setting for "Double-click delay"
 (set in Input prefs) to check if you tapped the CAPSLOCK key twice.
 In case you would like to quit or disable CapsLock, just open the
 AmigaOS Exchange application (it's in your Workbench ContextMenu)
 and you can select and control the CapsLock commodity.
 The CapsLock commodity can also be quit by running it a second time.
 That means if you add it to AmiDock and click it a second time, it
 will quit.
 There are a number of tooltypes that configure how CapsLock
 operates.  You can adjust these in the Workbench or by clicking
 the WB-Info button in commodities Exchange.
 Please bear in mind, for any changes to the tooltypes to take
 effect, you have quit and restart the CapsLock program.


 All settings are controlled via its icons ToolTypes. The currently
 supported ToolTypes are:

 BlinkOnFailure = TRUE

  - A single tap of CAPSLOCK triggers a Display Blink and a Beep (if
	so configured in AmigaOS Sound Prefs). When unset, the default
	is TRUE.

 BlinkOnSuccess = TRUE

  - A double tap or more of CAPSLOCK triggers a Display Blink and a
	Beep (if configured in Sound Prefs). When unset, the default
	is FALSE.

 SoundOnFailure = <FILENAME>

  - A single tap triggers a sound played via DataTypes's sound class.

 SoundOnFailureVolume = 0 - 64

  - Simple volume control. Goes from 0 (off) to 64 (max).  When unset,
    the default value 64 (for max volume) is used.

 SoundOnSuccess = <FILENAME>

  - A double tap or more triggers a sound played via DataTypes's 
    sound class.

 SoundOnSuccessVolume = 0 - 64

  - Simple volume control. Goes from 0 (off) to 64 (max).  When unset,
    the default value 64 (for max volume) is used.


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