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 Readme for:  Audio » Play » diamplay.lha


Description: MED and MOD player using low-level AHI
Download: diamplay.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 51kb
Version: 1.6
Date: 01 Nov 2011
Author: Robert Szacki
Submitter: Robert Szacki
Email: bun7/poczta fm
Homepage: http://minniatian.republika.pl
Requirements: AISS Package
Category: audio/play
Replaces: audio/play/diamplay.lha
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 6685
Comments: 1
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads: 452  (Current version)
520  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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               Diamond Player - MED/MOD replayer v1.6

Welcome to Diamond Player, a MED MMD0/MMD1 and Protracker MOD replayer.


This is a major cleanup release with few bug fixes.
No new features in this version nor new music formats handled.

This version requires AISS package to be installed!


To run it simply click on the icon supplied. If this is the first time
you run the program you will be asked to choose AHI Audio Mode.
Then if you chose one of the available modes the window will appear with
eight buttons: These buttons are starting from left:

Play | Stop | Pause | Previous | Rewind | Fast Forward | Next | Load

Below the buttons there is status bar and the playlist.
Once you hit Diskette (Load) button you can add new
module(s) to the playlist. Now to start playing module
select its name in the playlist and hit Play button.
To remove it from the list push the Delete key when the
module name is highlighted.

Below the playlist is the playing mode selection button. (v1.5)

Module Once - module is played once then the playing is continued from
the next module

Repeat Module - one module is played continuosly


The program will remember AHI Audio Mode aswell as directory with modules
in ToolTypes of icon. Next time you run the program from same icon you won't be
asked to choose Audio Mode and when you open new module the last directory with
modules will be used as default.

To override this directory you can either select another in Load option or
modify DIR= ToolType in the icon. Important: If you wish to change AHI Audio
just remove AUDIOID= ToolType from the icon.


v1.6  - Double-click on modules enabled
      - Module names are displayed if provided
      - In "Module Once" mode if last module is finished, the playback
        starts from the first module in the list
      - The player unload sounds properly (bugfix)
      - The slider works properly (bugfix)
      - Code cleaned up

v1.5  - Added multi-selection
      - Added Module Once/Repeat Module playing mode

v1.4c - Fixed MED tempos
      - Added Playtransponse and Hold & Decay handling
      - New GUI skin with tapedeck buttons

v1.4b - Fixed playing of modules that change replaying frequency
      - Added AISS package toolbar images
      - Added scroller that allow to jump to any position in module

v1.4  - Added Rewind / Fast Forward buttons (scrolls through module patterns)
      - Added Next / Previous module buttons
      - Button graphics redesigned
      - Some bugs fixed

v1.3  - Removed busy loop in the program - urgent fix
      - Added playlist

v1.2b - Protracker replayer rewritten so it fits very well to original one now.
        Additionally some fixes were done to playing functions aswell.

v1.2a - Supports almost all Protracker MOD effects with good accuracy.
        Configuration saved in tooltypes of icon.

v1.1  - Added simply and comfortable GUI.
      - Supports MED MMD1 and Protracker modules.
      - Supports more effects.

v1.0  - initial release.

inner versions:
- added AHI support
- added Interrupt support


- Installation script.
- More configuration options.
- More music formats handled.


I have written this program because I needed MED/MOD replayer which
use low-level AHI interface. The name of the program comes from the thing that
double PLAY button looks like diamond :)

Write to me: "Robert Szacki" <bun7()poczta.fm>

Greetings to all users :)

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