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 Readme for:  Demo » Scene » ukonx_myworld.lha


Description: My World Is How I Create It - Demo by Ukonx
Download: ukonx_myworld.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 6Mb
Version: 1.4
Date: 04 Dec 2008
Author: Ukonx
Submitter: Krabob
Homepage: http://ukonx.free.fr
Requirements: mpega.library
Category: demo/scene
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 4303
Comments: 4
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads: 553  (Current version)
553  (Accumulated)
Votes: 0 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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|          UKONX ENTERPRISE 2002          |
 |                                      |
 |      "My World Is How I Create It"   |
 |                               V 1.4  |
 |  (Released at Synthesis Party/2002)  |
 |                                      |
 |                                      |

Code       : Deemphasis
Gfx        : Ozane + Unison + C4 
Msx        : Unison
Lwo        : Feill
AmigaOS4 Port: Krabob/M4nkind

- Port Note: 
- You need the os4 version of mpega.library (not included), available on
  Download it an copy the os4 version to libs:mpega.library. Other programs may
use it.
- Amiga OS4 Version done on 12/2008 - Sorry for the delay !
- Esc or mouse click to quit.
- Press Space during Demo to switch from Full Screen to a resizable Workbench
- The demo is rendered on a 512x256 24bit screen, and use the closest resolution
available (usually 640x480). So the screen will be stretched on some

Visit our web site :

         http://ukonx.free.fr   - really great music to listen there

 http://www.m4nkind.com - for flash9 users, some 3D interfaces AVIABLE ! 

Don't hesitate to contact us as :


Greets to:

B.O.S, CdBS, Chromeless, Cymagine, Experience
Fool, Fresh, Greuh!, Intense, JFF, Kiki-Prods,
Kisskool, Lucis magia, Lunix, M4nkind, Marshals,
NewGen, Orion, Porco's prod, Prune, Pure,
Revelation, Scarface, Sector one, Sekhmet,
Silicon, Universe, Wipe, X MetalForceCrew-DK,
Zalem, #convivial, #artbas...

 + people from #amigaimpact()arcnet (fab1 & henes)
 + people at www.amigaimpact.org  for their quick reactions
 + all amiga opensources guys for providing os4 code examples everywhere.


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