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 Readme for:  Game » Action » bermudasyndrome.lha

Bermuda Syndrome

Description: Bermuda Syndrome
Download: bermudasyndrome.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 3Mb
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 14 Apr 2024
Author: Gregory Montoir
Submitter: Raziel
Email: raziel_nosgoth/web de
Homepage: http://cyxdown.free.fr/bs/
Requirements: Bermuda Syndrome for Windows (CD) or the demo of the game (optional: Enhancer/gl4es)
Category: game/action
Replaces: game/action/bermudasyndrome.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 12906
Comments: 26
Snapshots: 3
Videos: 0
Downloads: 108  (Current version)
1940  (Accumulated)
Votes: 2 (0/0)  (30 days/7 days)

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This is a re-upload of the same sources.
- recompiled with latest SDL2
- recompiled with -O3 and without debug stuff
- added gl4es binary
- reworked the Launcher

Bermuda Syndrome README
Release version: 0.1.7


This program is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Bermuda
Syndrome made by Century Interactive and published by BMG in 1995. The original
data files are required (retail or demo versions).

This rewrite is based on the reversing of the original Windows executable. More
informations about the game can be found at [1] and [2].


By default, the engine will try to load the game data files from the 'DATA'
directory. The savestates are saved in the current directory. If you have the
CD game soundtrack, you can rip the tracks to 22 Khz stereo Vorbis .ogg files.

The paths can be changed using command line switches :

	Usage: bs [OPTIONS]...
  	--datapath=PATH    Path to data files (default 'DATA')
  	--savepath=PATH    Path to save files (default '.')
	--musicpath=MUSIC  Path to music files (default 'MUSIC')
	--fullscreen       Fullscreen display
	--widescreen=MODE  Widescreen mode ('default', '4:3' or '16:9')

Game hotkeys :

	Arrow Keys      move Jack
	Tab             display bag
	Ctrl            display status bar
	Shift/Space     use weapon
	Enter           skip dialogue speech

Other hotkeys:

	C		capture screenshot as .tga
	S               save game state
	L               load game state
	+               increase game state slot
	-               decrease game state slot
	F               enable fast mode
	W               toggle fullscreen/windowed display


Gregory Montoir, cyx()users.sourceforge.net


[1] http://www.mobygames.com/game/bermuda-syndrome
[2] http://www.reakktor.com/about


release 0.1.7
- added support for game controllers
- added widescreen mode (16:9)

release 0.1.6 
- added screenshot 
- added original save/load menus 
- added support for non-interactive part of the demo 
- added MIDI playback

release 0.1.5 
- added romfs support 
- fixed issues with demo data files

release 0.1.4 (2011/02/26) 
- fixed script errors in english and german versions 
- fixed video overlays

release 0.1.3 (2008/03/24) 
- added missing opcodes, game is now completable 
- fixed several bugs and issues

release 0.1.2 (2007/08/15) 
- added support for interactive part of the demo version 
- added support for introduction and ending sequences

release 0.1.1 (2007/08/06) 
- added fullscreen mode 
- various bug fixes

release 0.1.0 (2007/07/30) 
- first public release

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